Part 3

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Ever since Nicky had met Lily, she had felt a magnetic pull towards her , but Nicky was unsure if Lily only saw her as a friend

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Ever since Nicky had met Lily, she had felt a magnetic pull towards her , but Nicky was unsure if Lily only saw her as a friend. Whenever she was around her , she pictured herself kissing her lips, or holding her hand, or even better, making her cum. Nicky spent countless moments picturing her screaming her name. They would spend hours sat talking and sharing details about their lives, they shared the same humor, if Nicky fired a snarky comment Lily would fire one back, or laugh, and that made Nicky like her even more. Whenever Lily would walk away Nicky would catch herself smiling, minutes after. Her laugh was infectious, one of those laughs that made everyone join in.
Lily felt the same way, there was an undeniable connection, but she still couldn't tell if Nicky felt the same way, Lily decided that Nicky probably just wanted her as a friend, and told herself not to make a move, not yet. In fact, sometimes Nicky made Lily nervous, and giggly, like a schoolgirl, this was something Lily was not used to. But it felt right.
From an outsiders point of view, the pair looked like best friends, always laughing, always together, they bounced off each other like electricity. Lily often felt down, Nicky called it 'prison blues' but even when she was feeling her most vulnerable, Nicky's heart grew fonder.
Lily had also noticed that Nicky slept around a lot, she did it for fun, since becoming friends with Nicky she was aware that she had at least 5 sexual partners. Lily was slightly offended that Nicky hadn't asked her if she wanted to fuck,but she hoped it could be more, but Nicky didn't seem the 'relationship type'.
For the next few weeks, the two spent all their spare time together, Lily was assigned Laundry duty where she met her best friend Alex, and she was fitting in perfectly to Red's family. Red was thankful to Lily for making Nicky happy, they had never seen her so protective or fond of someone ever before. It was a pleasant change compared to her usual moodiness. They were interested in Lily's stories, and her encounters with the press and celebrities, Nicky would go quiet as she spoke, adoration in her eyes. She would sit there lost in her eyes as she realized that she hadn't felt this way before, it was more than just lust, Lily made her heart beat faster and relax at the same time. Red would compare her to an 'angel', Boo called her 'sweetheart'.

She introduced herself to others outside of Red's family, some who stood out were Daya, Poussey, Taystee and Suzanne. She naturally clicked with Daya, she was sweet, creative and new to the prison just like herself. Poussey, Taystee and Suzanne were kind to her, Suzanne brought her a flower as a 'birthday gift' even though Lily's birthday was two months ago. Poussey had a wonderful smile and managed to cheer her up even at her Lowe's moments. And Taystee... Taystee is just... Taystee.

Lily had also encountered a certain guard, "Mendes" but everyone called him "pornstache", he was particularly harsh, and came across to her a bit predatory. He would shout "RANDOM SEARCH" and pin her against a wall, groping her boobs. She would have reacted but she gathered that this was a common occurrence.

One day, after Nicky had been tossing and turning all night, deciding what to do, Nicky and Lily wondered to the library. It was early in the morning, so nobody else was there, Lily searched the isles to try and find her favourite book, when she felt the close presence of Nicky beside her, she turned to the blonde girl and looked at her appreciatively, Nicky looked away and shook her head slightly as if she was hiding something.
"What is it?" Lily asked cautiously, knowing there was something up. Nicky regained eye contact with Lily and carefully said,
"Look, I don't want to fuck anything up," Lily waited patiently between Nicky's words, she could tell it was hard for her to say. "It's just, we're real close, and I would be kicking myself if I didn't tell you." Nicky trailed on, anxious that she was about to be hurt and rejected, "Look, I think I'm falling for you, like really a lot," Lily processed what she had just heard, Nicky felt the same as she did, happiness erupted from her face. Lily didn't reply immediately, she leaned forward and brought Nicky into a passionate kiss. The two immediately felt fireworks and butterflies all at once, the kiss felt so right, as if their lives had been building up to this moment. Lily could feel Nicky smiling through the kiss, which made her light up as well. The adoration felt overpowering to Nicky, as if Lily was the single most important thing in the universe.

They both pulled away still smiling and looked at each other lovingly, their hearts beating fast, as if finally everything made sense.

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