part 22 ( mention of smut warning)

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Lily's van driving shift was due to begin that day so she left the building to take her seat in the vehicle. The pill was taking its effect as she started to smile, realising that she was about to spend a day with one of her best friends, Officer Franco, or as she knew him, Noah. The young prison guard was equally as happy to see Lily as the two had become close over the course of Lily's job. The two would constantly make each other laugh.

"Hey! Look who it is- and on a Monday!", Noah expressed in a thick Brooklyn accent "Boy, am I glad to see you," Lily smiled back, glad to be working instead of Maritza

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"Hey! Look who it is- and on a Monday!", Noah expressed in a thick Brooklyn accent "Boy, am I glad to see you," Lily smiled back, glad to be working instead of Maritza

"Yeah Maritza couldn't make it", she raised her eyebrows and giggled at Noah's enthusiasm. "Okay, where are we off too?" Lily asked whilst reversing out of the parking space,

"We've got to pick up Rosa from her appointment, but lucky for you that's in an hour, so I guess you're stuck with me until then." Noah looked pleased with himself as he secretly was falling for Lily, but he would never tell her that. Lily and Noah spent the next hour driving aimlessly talking about their week, as they shared a cigarette. Lily told him everything, apart from the drama with Nicky, and she hoped he wouldn't ask any questions. But Noah is nosy, "Can I ask whats going on with Nicky?" Lily shook her head, thankful that he didn't already know more. She tried to change the subject by asking about his 'on and off' girlfriend. Whilst he was talking, Lily watched his features, and realised her appreciation for him. His brown eyes sparkled like honey, his jawline was defined as he spoke and his muscles were obvious even under the blue shirt he was wearing. Suddenly a wave of lust came over Lily. She hadn't felt this for anyone other than Nicky for years, but this was different, this time the drugs were messing with her head. And she had been sex deprived since the split three weeks ago. She pulled the van over, and turned to Noah, with a playful sparkle in her eye, she was angry at Nicky, and wanted her own fun.

"Noah, if we fucked, no one would know" she said this confidently because she knew he wanted her. A frat-boy grin spread over Noah's face as he asked playfully,

"You serious?" He could hardly contain the happiness and the growing bulge in his pants. Lily looked at him with bedroom eyes and smirked, then their lips connected Lily didn't feel any sort of spark like she always had with Nicky, but that didn't change anything. She pulled away teasing him slightly, she said,

 She pulled away teasing him slightly, she said,

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"We are nothing but a bit of fun. I'm not in love with you or anything, just like, friends with benefits?" Noah's ego was a little knocked by this but he nodded still grinning, although Noah always wanted Lily, he too was in love with someone else. Noah pulled Lily onto his lap kissing her deeply. What followed steamed the van windows up and left them both breathless...

"Wow," Lily breathed out still panting,

"Yeah, jeez your good" Noah chuckled, still wondering how he managed to hook up with the hottest girl he knew who also happened to be his best friend. The pair looked at each other, now sat back in separate seats, they both simultaneously started laughing, realising how funny the situation was. The pair shared the understanding that their friendship wouldn't be affected as they knew their hearts lied elsewhere, this was simply fucking for fun. They both dusted themselves off and adjusted their hair and outfits so that it appeared as If nothing had happened. Then they drove towards the city centre to pick up Rosa.
Back in prison, the next day, Nicky found it hard to keep her head up as she sat at lunch with some girl she just met. She glanced out of the window to the Benches to see no other than Lily and Franco. She sat laughing at whatever he was saying while he stood a little close for Nicky's liking. As she poked around in her mashed potato she listened in to the conversation of her old family.
Lorna said in her New York Italian accent, " I think they may be fucking , I mean he gives her the heart eyes all the time and they do look very hard to resist."
The group looked out at the pair before Alex replied, "honestly good for her,"
This was a tough pill to swallow for Nicky, it was one thing to have to stay away from Lily, but to see her moving on hurt like hell.
(I almost wrote that it hurt like a butcheek on a stick)

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