Part 34

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Lily woke to the loud reality of Prison lockdown

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Lily woke to the loud reality of Prison lockdown. She was aware that Nicky was still holding her, she too had been woken up by Mendez yelling .
The whole room groaned. Since being back from Max Lily had been assigned back her old job as van driver, she guessed that Kaputo trusted her not to make any mistakes again. She left for work, waiting in the car when Franco approached with Lolly Whitehill. She smiled at Franco when he sat next to her  before asking "where we going?"
Franco covered his mouth to hide the truth from Lolly.
"Down to psych..." a pale wash of color came over Lily's face, she loved Lolly and she had heard how horrible Psych was, apparently it was worse than MAX, worse than SCHU. She wondered if Lolly had any idea. Then Franco added.
"They found the culprit of the murder". Lily's heart broke for a moment. Lolly was taking all the blame, then she realized that this was the only thing that wouldn't hurt Alex. She would be safe. Like it never happened.
After dropping Franco back to camp and picking some inmates up from SCHUH, her shift was over, she felt like she was entering into chaos.
She went straight to lunch where she sat down with Nicky, Alex and Piper, they talked briefly about Lolly before she suddenly heard the head guard yell
"LISTEN UP ," the table noticed that the guard had Red in a tight grip, naturally her girls were on high alert.
"Things have been pretty Lax around here if you ask me... so lax in fact that one of my men was murdered on prison property by one of you... You are criminals and you deserve nothing.
And if I have to make an example of each and every one of you I will."
With that the guard pushed Red to the ground, Causing an immediate reaction from the inmates. People rose to their feet. This was out of order. Nicky stood up and yelled
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
The room was uneased, Lily look to see Red getting to her feet and stood close to Nicky.
Everyone went silent as the guard continued...
"Make sure she doesn't stop working.. don't let her sit down."
The room was in disbelief, everyone could feel that something big was about to go down. Then Blanca Flores smashed her tray down, and strode towards the table, she stood on top and stared back at Piscatella in protest. As all the women in the room realized that she was right, she was joined. Firstly by Piper, then Taystee, then Alex, followed by everyone else. It was wonderful, the power reversed. The women stood strong. Lily held Nicky's hand.
Maria made the statement.
"WE WILL NOT MOVE UNTIL YOU NO LONGER WORK AT THIS PRISON." the whole room agreed, this guard was horrible, ever since he had been employed, everything had changed.
Piscatella called for backup, then they heard,
"You don't need more men, you just need to resign." Again everyone agreed." Amongst the sea of women, Lily smiled at her girlfriend. Nicky pulled her close and kissed her forehead.
What happened next was a blur. All she could remember were the guards rushing to clear everyone down. Lily lost sight of Nicky, she was being held against the wall, she could hear the outbreak of resisting inmates. Eventually, after about a minute of protest, the room went silent, and then she heard the scream:
Taystee's gut wrenching scream that stopped everyone in their tracks. A crowd formed and Lily was released out of the grip, she struggled to see what was going on until she saw a glimpse of Poussey's limp body lying crushed on the ground.

♡ ♡ ♡
Heartbreak was everywhere that day. They were cleared away quickly, Lily cried into Nicky's chest for a while. Everyone cried, because she was loved by so many. She adored Poussey, such a pure soul. How could this of happened to someone as good as her?
That night Nicky stayed with Lily until she felt more okay, she stroked her hair and comforted Nicky as well. Nicky didn't show it much, but she is quite an emotional person. They could hear Norma beautifully singing to Soso, as Lily wrapped Nicky in a cradle position, she stroked the hair around her face. As she kissed her eyelid gently she saw Nicky smile. She whispered,
"you love being babied."
"What can I say..I've got mommy issues!"
Weirdly the inmates were expected to carry on as normal in the morning. Red was called in to the kitchen to cook dinner despite getting no sleep, as far as they knew Piscatella did leave. So that's something. Lily was sat with Daya outside, she was a bit down as her mom , Aleida had been released. They went to commissary and bought the black girls some crisps and soda.
It was around an hour later that there was an outbreak. Lily was walking back to the bunks when she got caught in a crowd. It seemed the women were storming the halls, she could hear that it was lead by Taystee who was screaming, "THERES NO JUSTICE". It was all a blur Lily could barely think straight. She was being pushed around until she ended up in a crowd that was surrounding a guard and an inmate, she couldn't yet see who the inmates were until she got to the front. She saw Maritza kick a guard to the floor before a gun slid out and skidded towards Daya. She picked it up and looked at it, the whole group went silent. Lily began to panic, this was bad. Really bad. Then the noise started again, women were shouting at Daya, it was horrible. Time seemed to slow down. Lily desperately scanned around, hoping to find Nicky. She was too far away to hear, but Lily saw her shake her head slowly, warning her not to get involved. Lily was close to Daya, she wasn't going to listen to these meth heads, she wouldn't listen to anyone.

Lily turned around and tried to get away from it all, she didn't want to see what would come next. She moved away from the front and desperately moved past the women until she found Nicky. She grasped her hand and they began to walk away from the crowd, until they heard a deafening gunshot. The shot made them both jump and hold on to eachother a little tighter. Soon the crowds disbanded and began banging on the walls again, Nicky and Lily stayed close to eachother and looked for Red. By the time they found Red and Alex, the prison had descended into complete chaos. The women were rioting. Guards were being captured and held hostage, the entrances were being blocked, all of a sudden things had gotten a lot more interesting.

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