Part 32

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Time passed and Lily felt better, readjusting to the community was easy because she was loved. In fact her relationships were stronger, everyone had realized how special she was, and how much they had missed her.
One morning lily was speaking to her good friend Poussey, she was catching her up on her new relationship with Soso.
"I'm happy, she's good for me", Poussey said smiling.
"I'm so happy for you two. You deserve it." Lily smiled,
She then asked Lily about her relationship with Nicky but stopped mid sentence, seeming star struck.
Lily looked over her shoulder to see someone she recognized, it was Judy King from tv network. Her apartment was one of the first places that Lily's "bling ring" robbed, almost 5 years ago. They hadn't gotten much there, from what Lily could remember there wasn't much to take, her house was full of cooking utensils, although she did take her blender.
Poussey began to stammer on her words. " wha..... hi,... urrrr, do you knowww ohhh itsss" then the rest was mumble. Judy looked uncomfortably at Poussey, Lily still wasn't sure if Judy had worked out that it was her who stole from her. It was never reported. However when Judy made eye contact with her she smiled and walked away, Lily sighed internally, thank goodness she didn't know any better. Once she was out of earshot Lily started laughing, Poussey smiled too after playfully hitting Lily on the arm,

When the family were eating lunch, Judy approached and stood next to Lily, asking, "I know you from somewhere, have we met?" Lily takes a moment to finish her mouthful but before she could start Lorna interjected.
"She was on tv and in the magazines for leading the bling ring" Lorna seemed excited and proud,
a lightbulb switched in Judy as she added "Of course! I knew I knew you from somewhere! That was awesome!"
Lily thanked her and repayed the compliment before watching her walk away.
Lily couldn't hold back the smile, Nicky leant on the table and smiled before asking "what's that face for?" Lily shook her head, but Now the whole group was interested " whaaaaat? tell us!"
Lily ate a fork full of peas before smiling and saying "we robbed her apartment." The group laughed at the irony.
(Authors note: leave a comment to let me know if you like the story so far, also if you have any ideas on what I could write about let me know xx)

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