Part 30

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Lily had never been more exhausted in all of her life, but she managed a look of joy as she said her goodbyes, as she left the doors of D block, she turned to Denzel and mouthed "Fuck you" before getting in the van and left the prison gates. A wave of euphoric happiness rolled over her as the van pulled into the car park of Litchfield. She was about to see her family, but most importantly, the love of her life.

She sat once again, in Kaputo's office, Kaputo was instantly shocked at the sight of Lily. She was a lot skinnier than she had been before, her frame smaller. She had lost the life in her eyes, her skin was paler as well. Somehow though, she was still smiling that gorgeous smile. He gave her a sympathetic look, before saying cautiously,

"It's good to have you back, kid." There was a long pause before he added "I'm going to set you up with a counsellor." Then he signed his name a couple of times on some paperwork before saying,

"Okay, so of course your privileges as van driver will be revoked, your therapy session will be Fridays at 3pm, is everything clear?"

Lily nodded as she was handed her new orange outfit,

"You will be roomed back in your old bunk, all of your things are still there. Ill assume you won't need the tour."

Once Lily left the office she now had to go through customs, and the strip search. She was grateful to see that Luscheck was on duty, she could trust him.

When Luscheck saw Lily, he smiled a huge grin, he was aware that she looked skinnier and a little more lifeless, but he decided not to say anything straight away, he didn't want to upset her.

"My god it is good to see you, are you okay??"

Lily said, "It's so good to see you too, Luscheck thank you so much, how did you get me out?." He smiled again before saying,

"I fucked Judy King,You don't need to thank me, sorry to ruin the moment but its strip search time!"
Then she took a deep breath, she hesitated and shook her head. "Lily, I have to, it's policy." Lily looked down and said quietly,

"Okay, but you can't tell anyone okay? What you're about to see is our secret."

He nodded in confusion, he turned around to let her strip down into underwear. When he turned back around he understood what she meant, and felt great sadness all at once.

He saw handprint bruises all over her stomach, where she had been grabbed and held. There were giant black bruises where she had been pushed into walls or held on the ground. The area around the line of her underwear was intensely bruised as well. There were tiny burns all over her arm where he had put his cigarettes out, and scars in all different shapes covered her body . Her nail beds were bitten raw and her bones were prominent under her skin.

The sight was scary. Luscheck's face didn't hide his horror. Lily avoided his eye as he saw her. He made an attempt to say,

"Lily, I don't know what to say." He was a little choked up. She shook her head, not wanting to talk about it,

"You don't need to say anything, it's thanks to you that I am back here. I will be okay now."

"Who did this to you?"

"I can't tell you that, he could still hurt the people I love." Luscheck just shook his head in disbelief at the unbelievably selfless girl.

"I can't believe you went through this alone,"

There was another silence as Lily put her orange outfit on. Then Luscheck decided,

"I'm going to chaperone you for a little while okay? I'll make sure no one hugs you too tight." Lily smiled in gratitude, she owed everything to the man. "It's time to go," he said.

As Lily re-entered the doors of Litchfield, she realised that it was working hours. So she had time to settle, when it was less busy. As soon as she entered, she saw Alex, walking with Red. As soon as their eyes made contact, Lily smiled and Alex and Red looked like she had seen a ghost. They ran to her and instantly hugged her tight. Lily could see Luscheck over their shoulder, but she mouthed 'its fine' at him, even though she was in a lot of pain. When Alex pulled away, she rubbed Lily's arm directly where the most painful scar was, Lily couldn't help but wince as her eyes spiked with tears, recoiling at the touch. Red instantly noticed that something was wrong, because Lily started bleeding where Alex had touched her. She looked at Luscheck and then back at Lily.

"There's something wrong. What is it?" Lily looked at Luscheck who said,

"You should tell them,"

Red then pulled Lily and Alex into the nearest broom closet, as Luscheck guarded the door, her arms folded. Both of them looked scared. Lily looked at them both during a long silence. She hadn't seen them in so long and it was kind of upsetting to see them so sad so quickly.

"Lily, for god sake you are bleeding, let me see." Red's mothering instincts kicked in. Neither Red nor Alex were prepared for what they were about to see. Both of their faces dropped at the sight of Lily's inured body. Alex had to turn away with her hand over her mouth. Red let out a gasp as her eyes teared up. Red approached her and caressed the side of Lily's face. Neither of them knew what to say, but the appearance of Lily spoke for itself. Lily put her clothes back on in the silence. Red growled,

"Whoever did this to you, will rot in hell."

Lily tried to smile but was too tired. They all spoke and caught up for another five minutes, until Alex and Red knew everything they needed to know. They agreed that Nicky shouldn't find out straight away, it would make her feel too guilty.

Lily spent the rest of the day saying hello to all of her friends. She was closely followed by Alex, Red and Luscheck all day, who would sometimes shout "No touching inmate!" Lily found it so uncomfortable for so many people to touch her, she had developed anxiety but that was understandable. She wore a smile all day, which was half forced, although she was happy to see everyone. Red made Lily a large meal, she hadn't eaten well in over a month, she also took a quick nap to try and look a bit more alive for Nicky. She did her makeup to hide the bags. Soon enough she looked a bit more presentable in time to see the love of her life.

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