part 18

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The next day, Lily sat down to breakfast with the family, except Nicky was nowhere to be seen. Lily was obviously a bit shaken up, so the table discussed Nicky's new state. Lily stayed mostly quiet through the conversation, still in disbelief. Alex started

"We need to talk about Nicky, seriously what the fuck is happening,"

"I don't know, she's changed so much." Then with a spiteful look in Red's eyes as she growled,

"I know exactly what this is, it's heroin."
"No, no she's been clean for 3 years,"
The group fell silent as they realised the truth. Lily's heart was dropping, she thought that Nicky was better, that she distracted her from the urge to take drugs, her stomach churned, but she couldn't find the right words to say. Then Red continued, directing her speech at Lily, "There's not much we can do, she's stubborn, she has to decide to get sober all on her own." Then piper chipped in putting her hand on Lily's back comfortingly,

"What if she doesn't," Then Red said in her thick Russian accent,

"Then we have to accept that the old Nicky is gone. I am so sorry Lily, she has let us all down. And don't you dare feel alone, we are your family."

The group shot sympathetic looks in Lily's direction as they agreed, when suddenly Lily felt a presence next to her, it was Nicky, standing at the end of the table. Again, she looked angry, her brows were furrowed and her appearance looked messy. She directed her glare at Lily, yelling,

"Fucking talking about me behind my back?" Then Red stood up protectively in front of Lily, she said,

"Actually I was," Then there was a pause as Red grew angrier, the rest of the table stayed silent. "I thought you were off of that shit Nicky, for god sake you've been sober for three years" Then Nicky threw up her hands in defeat, admitting that Red's assumption was right. Then she harshly grabbed Lily's wrist and yanked her towards her, she slurred a little,

"Clearly I am not wanted here so let's go, you're coming with me."

The table remained shocked and Lily was again horrified, she hesitated and pulled out of Nicky's grip, making it clear she wasn't going anywhere with Nicky.

"You can't treat me like shit and expect it all to be okay, I'm not coming with you."

Then the drugged girl moved closer to Lily's face and hesitated before hissing,

"You are a fucking worthless psycho, coke-head Barbie... you're weak, Lily. You'll come running back" Then she shoved past her and stomped away out of the cafeteria. The words stung and made tears spill out of Lily's eyes. Lily was the youngest of the group, Red's family were protective of her, seeing her cry made every one's heart break. They knew Nicky had changed, but this was their first time seeing her talk to Lily this way, and they were horrified. Lily asked,

"What the fuck do I do?" Boo sighed and put her arm around her, saying,

"You're the only thing she loves more than heroin, I think it would take losing you to realise she needs to sober up, you should break up with her Lily, maybe then she will realise the shit she is in."

Lily was so in love with the old Nicky, she was scared of losing her. But Boo was right, this new person was not the old Nicky, and she may never come back.

Alex sighed and said, "Fucking perfect, heroin Barbie is back."

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