part 15

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A few days later, Nicky and Lily were sat in the bunk together, discussing the possibility of aliens, eventually their topic of conversation changed.
"Im actually horny right now. You look fucking hot today" lily said as her eyes flicked to Nicky's lips. "Are you?"
"you just have to look at me and I'm horny... I don't know how you do it"
"Maybe your just a nympho" they both giggled quickly.
Nicky separated Lily's legs and climbed on top of her. They made out shortly, before Nicky pulled away and suddenly looked thoughtful.

Lily sat up, confused at Nicky's changing moods. her legs were still around Nicky who was now facing the other direction. Lily moved her girlfriend's face so they were facing each other
"What's up?" Nicky didn't say anything, "Tell me." Then Nicky asked,                                 
"Lil, do you ever think that if we weren't in prison you wouldn't want me? ...You had this insane lifestyle and now your in prison, kind of like we're only together because you don't have as many options. "
Lily sighed, the pair had this conversation many times, although Nicky seemed confident, she was actually insecure. It was clear on Lily's face that she was annoyed, she felt like she was repeating herself over and over, but Nicky wouldn't listen.
Lily didn't reply she just wriggled out of Nicky's grip, she looked back at her saying,
"I hate it when you ask that, I'm not talking about this right now,""
Then Nicky muttered angrily, talking as if Lily wasn't there "fucking straight girls. They fuck you up"
"STrAiGhT?!" Get some fucking glasses - we were just about to fuck like TwO MiNuTeS AgO"
"What if your just gay for the stay ? Huh? Using me until you get out and run back to boys."
"Nicky you sound ridiculous."
"You just can't take it because it's the truth"
Then Lily turned around and said, "For fuck sake Nicky, why the fuck does it matter? We are both in prison we both love each other, and that's how it's meant to be so stop fucking asking me that question. Do you really need reassurance twenty times a day? I love you and you fucking know that...",
Then Nicky replied with sarcasm"Stop saying Fuck" Lily then rolled her eyes and said
"Fuck off your annoying me"
Nicky secretly loved when Lily got mad and fiery, she looked hot when she was arguing, Lily thought the same. The arguing was never permanent, they just bickered like a married couple.
The pair argued this way quite frequently but they ironically always ended in 'I love yous' and they had always made up by the end of the day.

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