part 8

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Lily was called to visitation the next day, Lily had no clue of who it could be until she turned the corner and saw one of her best friends. It was Violet Harmon, one of the members of the bling ring that hadn't been caught. The shock was written all over Lily's face, she imagined that her best friend would be far away, spending her fortune. Still, Lily was over the moon to see violet, they had been quite literally partners in crime.

"No way! Vi, I can't believe you're here!." The two hugged as violet replied,

"Damn, I've missed you so much Lil." The two pulled away after Lily was reminded of the no touching rule until the end of the visit. They sat down opposite each other,

"How is it going in there?" Violet asked,

"I'm doing okay actually, have you seen the others?" (By the 'others' Lily meant the rest of the bling ring who were mostly also locked up. Violet lowered her tone and leaned forward in her seat.

"Okay, listen we don't have a lot of time, I really need to talk to you about something." Lily sat upright, shocked at her best friend's sudden shift in tone.

"okay so, we still have all the passcodes and access to the that last house we planned to rob, the press are off the case, we could still pull this off, if we put our heads together. Of course we lost all the money and property from when we were arrested, so if we get more it will help you out in here, you know... getcha something nice" Violet was clearly excited about her words, she spoke as if she was planning her next fix to feed an addiction.

"Wait, so your saying you want to go ahead with the planned robberies that we never got to do?" Violet just nodded slowly, a spark in her eye.

"We need you, we need all of us if this is going to work. Lily you're the leader, all I'm asking is feed us the information you already know about that house and help us plan the rest, these raids only work with all of us involved, Ive already visited the others and everyone is on board"

Lily thought for a moment about whether this was even possible.
This was her train of thought: Violet and Lucas were the only two not caught in the bling ring arrest, the others could only help over the phone. Lucas was the tech guy, who disabled the cameras and shut down laser systems, so he would be helpful on the outside. Violet was usually the one who sold the stolen goods on the black market, she was the one with connections to Everton in the business. The problem was, neither Lucas or Violet had much experience actually breaking into the houses. That was why they needed the help of Lily and the other incarcerated members of the ring. Lily knew it would be an impossible task without her help.

"Yeah, okay let's do this, I'm in." Lily said smiling, robbery gave Lily a buzz like nothing else.

"That's my girl, okay so tomorrow at exactly 7pm all of you need to call me, do you have a mobile phone In here? You can't really trust the pay phones."

"Yeah I think I could find one"

"Okay great, All of you are going to call me at the same time, so all of us can talk at once, then we will set it up." Lily was excited to speak to her bling ring, she hadn't seen any of them since before her arrest. They were like a family. Just then the guard announced that visitation was over, the two hugged again, "okay, I have to go, remember 7pm sharp, love you Lily" Then with a wink, Violet was gone.

 Just then the guard announced that visitation was over, the two hugged again, "okay, I have to go, remember 7pm sharp, love you Lily" Then with a wink, Violet was gone

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