Part 33

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Lily had a certain morning routine to try and feel more like herself. It consisted of first, spending a few minutes softly stroking Nicky's hair before getting out of bed as carefully as possible to avoid waking her. She then would take a shower; the early bird catches the warm water in prison. She would go back to her bunk, pick up a book, and a tea bag from commissary, then she would head to the kitchen. The kettle would boil and Lily would make her way out to the prison yard, where she would settle looking outwards, at the rising sun, sometimes it was colorful, these were her favorite mornings. Her tea would warm her hands, momentarily bliss.
Until she was interrupted by a certain tall, dark haired Alex Vause, who plonked her frame next to her, and immediately her head fell into her hands. Lily waited a second, assessing the situation.
"You going to tell me what's up Vause?"
There was a rather long pause as Alex just sat practically rocking, Lily decided to carry on reading until she replied.
"Lily I did something really bad" Alex was nearly crying, Lily figured this was important.
"what do youmean?" Again she was faced with a long pause.
"Come on, is it drugs?" Alex gave her a scared looking head shake,
"Well then how bad can it-" ,
"I KillEd sOmeonE" the silence returned but this time it was just shock. I mean what the fuck.

"I'm sorry you what? While in prison? When!? Who!? How!?""My old boss, Kubra sent someone, someone to kill me, that guard, Bayat

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"I'm sorry you what? While in prison? When!? Who!? How!?"
"My old boss, Kubra sent someone, someone to kill me, that guard, Bayat. He attacked me, in the greenhouse. I...."
Lily gathered her thoughts before bringing a shaken Alex into a hug, she could only try to comfort her. She spent the next ten minutes reassuring her that she wouldn't be caught, that she was a good person, that there was no death penalty in New York.
Lily did help, she knew just what to say. As they were walking away from the yard, they were faced by some crackhead, who they saw trip, and drop a small packet. She scrambled away, leaving the two girls looking gobsmacked. Alex's face lit up like a Christmas tree, she picked the packet up, hid it briefly, and said,
"The gods have delivered"
She smelt the bag and let Lily see it, after deciding that it was crack, Alex smirked, "Care to join me on the dark side, forget our problems?" Lily hesitated, she weighed it up. Alex continued "come on, you fucking deserve it after the shit you've been through." In the outside world, Lily's go-to solution to a bad day would be drink or drugs, so technically this was no different and Alex was right- she did deserve it. Alex's playful smirk managed to win her over,
"Fuck it. let's get high"
And so, Lily and Alex found theirselves sat in Red's garden hidden by leaves, maybe making a mistake, maybe not. They had been laughing at the concept of prison for at least ten minutes before they heard a rustling.
"Lily? Alex?"
"Shhh shhh" they both giggled. But they had been caught - by Piper and Nicky.
"What the fuck are you two, WOAH!" They yanked them down and covered Piper's mouth and ended up in yet another giggle fit. Lily was so stoned she couldn't really stop smiling ,she waited to see if they would notice.
Nicky put her hands around her jaw and brought her face close to hers, inspecting her eyeballs.
"Holy shit you're high" then Alex revealed the makeshift 'bong' that had been fashioned from a lightbulb.
"Bum bum bum bum bummer" Alex sang,
firstly Lily thought Nicky may be mad at her, after all they were being kind of insensitive to Nicky's past with drugs. However Nicky knew that Lily was no junkie, this was a one time thing, and also Nicky thought it was cute.
The time went by fast, lots of tea was spilt. Piper even smoked, and Nicky declined, which made them all rather proud. Alex ended up telling them about her situation. before she knew it she was twirling back to her bunk, with her girlfriend.
She saw her bed and plonked down. She giggled once more before plonking her head onto her shoulder. Nicky held her close and she also chuckled, asking "what's so funny?"
Lily held hers so they were staring at eachother. When Lily eventually stopped giggling, Nicky quickly kissed her nose and then her lips. Lily continued. "You look so pretty" this made Nicky smile,
"don't tell me your a crackhead now." Nicky was laughing, Lily shook her head.
"I'm sorry ,I was trying to keep it a secret I don't want to make anything awkward, I know it may have been hard to resist"
Nicky  kissed the top of her head and then nuzzled into her neck
"Baby it's fine, you haven't got to worry about me anymore. I'm not losing you again to drugs, and just for your information you are really bad at pretending to be sober"
Lily made a "pffffft" noise then Nicky added
"Can you stay with me today?"
"Yeah why?"
"just so I know your safe, and besides I feel like If I let you out of my sight you'll start twirling around the dorms or something."
Lily started laughing yet again,for some reason everything was hilarious today. Her heart leapt at Nicky's words, she loved her protective side.
That night, once Lily was normal again, she was walking back from the bathroom when everyone heard a deafening alarm, telling them to get down on the ground. Once everyone was down, Kaputos voice firmly stated "Lockdown. return to bunks for count, COs, secure all inmates." As she was on her way she spotted Franco and whispered,
"What's going on?"
"They found a COs dead body in the garden, well... pieces of a body. It's murder."
Immediately Lily began to panic for her best friend Alex, but her exterior remained unbothered. Lily had mastered the poker face over her years of crime, which came in good use often.
Once Lily reached the bunks, she made eye contact with a shaking Alex. She shook her head subtly, then Franco came in to count them, followed by Luscheck. Once the COs were out of sight, Lily held Alex's arm as she started to quietly ramble,
"Im sweating, my throat is constricting, I feel like I'm dying"
"seriously Alex you have to stay calm,"
Just at that moment, Red entered the bunk and began hissing,
"Shut up, stop talking, meet me in Frieda's cube in an hour, until then not another word"
Everyone was on edge, so thankfully Alex blended in.
Lily stayed close to Nicky and Alex, they ate dinner trying to act as normal as possible, avoiding the elephant in the room. They headed back to Frieda's cube to see Red, Freida, and Piper playing cards.
"Deal them in.... there will be no panicking, you panic and you give us all away. Pretend this doesn't concern you and with a bit of luck it never will." They played cards for a while before a CO stormed into the room. "First Ladies for questioning:..." he listed names before ending on "Reznecoff." The girls could kind of relax, there was no way Red would crack.
Hours went by and midnight was approaching, all the lights were still on, so people struggled to sleep. In the cube was Alex, Piper and Lorna on Alex's bunk, Nicky and Lily were opposite. Lorna was talking quietly about her wedding as Lily felt herself drifting to sleep. Nicky noticed this and kissed her forehead before adjusting her position so that Lily could fall asleep cuddled into her side. "Try and get some sleep." Nicky covered her with the blanket and stroked her hair until she drifted away.
(Pretend this is Lily and she isn't crying)

(Pretend this is Lily and she isn't crying)

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