Part 29

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That same day, Lily was called to visitation, she had no idea who it could be as she wasn't expecting anyone. She walked sheepishly, trying not to bump into anyone, as that would hurt. The moment she turned the corner she saw Luscheck smiling behind her window, a good friend of hers. She smiled slightly before picking up the telephone and managing a small "hi"

"Hey there, sunshine."

"Well, look who it is."

"How've you been holding up?" The tiredness and sadness in Lily's eyes was clear. She just shook her head, not wanting to give the man an answer."

"Nicky sent me,"

Lily smiled, holding back tears, she whispered "How is she?"

Then Luscheck shifted in his seat.

"To be honest with you Lily, she's not doing so well, and by the looks of it, neither are you, you need to talk to her, or else who knows what she will do, she told me about what happened, I know the drugs weren't yours."

The tears began to spill from her tired eyes. Luscheck was finding it hard to see her this way. He continued,

"Okay, so I know this is risky, but I care about you both, you need each other. We're going to set up a phone call, you both need to ring me at the same time and it will give you guys some time to talk."

Lily smiled, she was so grateful for her friend, Luscheck showed her a post it note with a number on, and passed it under the gap in the glass.

"Call this number at 5pm exactly okay? Stay strong, Lily"

Lily nodded, then Luscheck's time was up, and he said his goodbyes.

At 5pm that night, Lily made her way to the phone booth and made the call. Soon she was met with Luscheck and Nicky's voices. Luscheck said,

"I'm going to leave you guys to talk, also you both owe me." Then Lily heard Nicky's thick Brooklyn accent

"Lily," Then Lily could hear sobbing over the phone, soothingly she said,

"Hey, hey it's okay, we will be together soon, love"

Nicky then started rambling about how much she missed her, and loved her.

"Nicky, I want you to promise me something, kay?"

"Yeah, anything."

"Promise me that when I come back you will be sober, else none of this would be worth it."

"I promise, baby"

Lily started to cry, "I miss you, Nick, this place is awful"

Nicky said, "I'm so sorry love, I went to Kaputo and told him the drugs were mine but he said there was nothing he could do. I feel terrible. This was all my fault."

"Nicky, you can't think like that, I really am okay, please stay good, for me."

Nicky agreed before Lily added, "Baby, I love you, I need to talk to Luscheck though and I don't have much time, okay?"

"Yeah okay, I love you Lily, forever," Then Nicky hung up on her end so that Lily was free to talk to Luscheck. She said in a really quiet and vulnerable voice,

"Luscheck, something really bad has happened, and I need your help."

Luscheck was already feeling bad for Lily, especially seeing as the drugs were never hers in the first place.

"What do you want me to do?" Then Lily started to spill tears,

"I need you to get me out of here, you can use my money and bribe someone if you have to. Please Luscheck just get me out."

It was clear in her voice that she was at breaking point, or in danger

"Lily, has someone hurt you?"

There was a pause as Lily debated telling him, but she decided that she couldn't, it would put people in danger. She didn't answer his question, but he took it as a 'yes'.

"Look, you know I wouldn't ask this if it wasn't serious, just don't tell Nicky, she can't know."

Then the phone call was abruptly ended. Luscheck was left in turmoil, but he knew he had to help her.

The abuse continued for another week, Lily felt so unsafe but had become numb to the pain. Her entire body was bruised, cut and burnt from the abuse. She couldn't sleep, so she was always too tired to fight. She never saw Bonnie, Luscheck was her last hope.

That week, after Lily had been in MAX for 46 days, she got a visit from the head of Maximum security.

"Inmate Milan, you're going back up the hill. Come with me."

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