Chapter 1 >>

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"My love, why don't you just drink up your juice and forget about those business men?", I say seductively to gain a wide smile.

"You're right!", the old hag replies.

Except, of course I'm always right!.

"You've got just twenty minutes to round it off", Alan's voice pierced through the ear piece conspicuously connected to my right ear. "On it!", I whisper back in a voice meant to be heard by just him into the device attached to my body.

"Babe, I need three million..."

"On one condition", he says interrupting me and I mentally roll my eyes. "Which is?", I say agitated and surprised at the same time. Agitated for wasting my time and surprised that he doesn't ask what I had needed such a huge amount for.

I better get this done with. Whatever his conditions might be, he will end up dead soon, leaving his adorable wife and little daughter miserable.

"I want you to fuck me! Fuck me real hard sweetie", he says looking at me lustfully.

"Is that all?", I ask with a sinful smile, running my hand silkily up his thighs until it slightly rubs against his hard-rock shaft. He groans. Good.

"Five more minutes", Alan mutters to me again. "Yeah. Yeah", I breath out as I continue with my sweet torture.

"Fuck. Yes!", he groans as I squeeze him tighter through his pants trying to distract him. "I've sent you my account details, so you just send me what I need as I do my thing...", I say smiling cockily, unclenching his zipper and taking him whole in my hand. He groans and presses himself against me, desperate for release but he isn't going to get it . I need him to make the transfers first before I take my next move.

As I move my hand up and down his aroused dick, I pretend not to notice him doing something with his phone until few seconds later, my phone pings in the back pocket of my jean trousers and I inwardly smile. Not tough.

"Two more minutes!. Jem, kill him already. Boss will be so mad when he finds out you're not done yet. He gave you thirty minutes and you've –, Alan begins ranting on and on and on but I tune him out as I concentrate on the creep before me. I swiftly bringing out my dagger while he stays distracted and stuff it in his throat, having his blood splatter all over me. Crap!.

I hurriedly rush to the restroom and remove the rubber face that has blood all over it. I change into a black dungaree and stuff the rubber face, blood soaked jeans, shirt and gloves in my hand bag. I rush out of the room, putting on my dark shades as I enter the limousine awaiting me at the entrance of the building.

I'd use my black motorcycle but Jon, the boss wasn't having any of it. He insists I got driven and have a personal driver.

As I sit in the back of the car, I relive how I ended up here..


"Jemmy!", I heard my father call me from the living room. He was the only one who still called me Jemmy. I'm otherwise known as Jemima or Jem by other people. Mother wasn't around but Ava, my big sister was. Why had father called for me especially when she had been in the room with him when father called?. I entered the room and their cold glares welcomed me. I didn't even as much as flinch. I was so used to their ill treatments that it didn't faze me anymore. I walked slowly towards my father and took a seat next to him on the bed.

I knew my sister hated me for no apparent reason and told lies against me, making it convincing enough that they believed her without even blinking twice. She was everyone's favorite and I was seen as the black sheep of the family. Why does she hate me so much?.

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