Chapter 5>>

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"So that's how you ended up here?!", Anita asks for the third time. I mentally roll my eyes. I already said yes twice.

It's been three hours since we left the house and Anita has been showing me around town. I figured she loves the color black and pink. She's putting on a pair of black shorts and a black shirt that has a 'fuck you fate' written on it in pink caption.

I think...scratch that!...I know she doesn't give a fuck about what anybody thinks, but that doesn't mean she should go around in flip flops. Did I mention that the flip-flops are of entirely different colors? No? Well, they are! The right foot is black and the left foot is pink. Weird huh?. She is literally obsessed with the colours pink and black.

Like I said she doesn't give two fucks, talk less of one.

Am I zoning out again? I feel like I'm supposed to be listening to something or someone but I can literally feel myself zoning out.

"Hey! Where is your mind?", Anita asks snapping her fingers in my face.

"Nowhere!", I say shaking my head in attempt to bring myself back to the present.

"Jem, it's my fault for trying to talk to you in the first place. Just finish up your ice cream, let me drop you home. I have a kill to make", she says all the while closing her eyes.

"Open your eyes Anita!"

"No, trust me, you do not want to see them"

I finish up my ice cream quickly since ice creams are not meant to be wasted.

"Okay I'm done, let's go now but you'll need to open your..."

I was suddenly cut short by her standing up and leading the way to the car.

Okay, she wants to prove stubborn? Well let's see if she can drive with her eyes closed.

"Fasten your seat belt and shut the fuck up!", she says fiercely once we are seated in the car.

"You have got to open that eyes Anita, I want to die but not in a car accident", I say frantically, slightly panicking.

I don't get why she's being dramatic. I mean I just zoned out a little.

"I said no! Just shut your mouth and let me drive!", she replies yelling, obviously getting angry.
Two can play this game.

I bring out my dagger and place it in her throat threateningly. "If you don't open your eyes and drive this damn car, I won't hesitate to slice you up and wrap up your body as a nice gift package for your dimwit, Dimitri!"

Before I can register anything, I slap myself looking at my hands and trembling.

What the fuck happened?. And how did that just happen?

"You want me to open my eyes, then fine", she says and slowly opens her eyes. I shrink back in fear.

I know I always say I want to be the most feared assassin and what not but right now, Anita's eyes are the scariest things I've ever laid my eyes on.

"You happy now?", she asks tensely.

Her eyes are a flamy blue. Her skin glows more and she seems very angry. What?

Suddenly, the car becomes very hot and stuffy even with the air conditioner. So stuffy that I begin to hyper ventilate.

From my peripheral vision, I see Anita twisting her left hand over the right and the more she twists, the more I seem to be suffocated by someone! And she isn't even touching me.

It's my fault, I shouldn't have forced her to open up her eyes. I would have said sorry but I can't speak. She doesn't even seem to be calming down and if anything, she seems to be even more infuriated.

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