Sneak peek

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After much deliberations, I have decided to post a sneak peek of my next work.

"A girl walked up to me sometime ago and said to me, I quote "I'm so done with life what should I do? Accidental suicide or drunk driving". I told her accidental suicide because let's face it there's a one hundred percent chance she's gonna kill others instead of her self and who commits suicide accidentally? Now back to my story... She looked at me horrified and started crying and saying stuffs like 'do you really want me to die?', 'why will you say things like that?'  'You're supposed to advice me' and i burst out laughing. I mean, if she wanted an advice she should have said so not asking foolish questions right. I mean I'm not a fucking therapist or do I look like one..."

I stop telling the cashier my story when I spot the MI6 and FBIs. I take that as my cue to run.

Blamed for a crime she never committed, hardened by circumstances and disgusted by anything love, Samantha Nadine Montero has been on the run for four years until she comes across Eric Wilder, The billionaire's son. When all suddenly seems to fit in, a drastic event takes place.

Will it be the end of her run?
Will Samantha finally be free?
Will she finally learn how to love and be loved?
Or will her fate always be to be a fugitive of the law?

Find out in the Escapade!!!!

So that's another journey into the life Samantha Montero. Watch out for it!!!

Stay safe
Stay indoors
Practice your hygiene
Much love 😍

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