Chapter 11

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Third Person Narrative

The next sight has the old man in shock!

"There's no one there"! The old man says gasping.

Dennis moves closer and true to the old man's words, no one is behind the truck!

Dennis groans in frustration and rushes back to his car with his gun men.


As the truck pulls to a stop, I bolt up instantly. I'm not a deep sleeper, I easily wake up at the slightest of sounds. I spot a very old lanky man come down.

My head and ribs throbs painfully, bringing me back to the reality of my present predicament.

"Yes Mr Dennis, I have silent killer at the back of my truck and she's fast asleep", the old man whispers into the phone booth.

Oh no! This slimy wretch is turning me in! I wait for him to enter the truck back and I slowly creep out of the truck.

I need to get out of this country fast but I mustn't underestimate Dennis. He practically runs this country and if I'm not mistaken, he'd have probably put his goons in every airport.

Ah geez! What do I do? As crazy as it seems, I need to go back to Dennis's office so I can take the second disguise Alan made for me. The one that looks like my favorite wrestler,  Roman Reigns.

But how do I get in without being noticed? As that thought came into my mind, I spot a bar.  Oh my gosh! A bar? In Rome? I thought Rome was like the holiest country in the world?

Anyway, I can sneak in and get a costume. I move towards the back door of the bar and land in the kitchen. Fortunately for me, I meet only one waitress.

I cockily move towards the waitress and grab her neck from behind. She struggles a bit but my firm grip on her neck soon puts her to sleep.

I snatch her dress and quickly put it on, alongside a face mask that covers half of my face.  I rush outside and I immediately spot a taxi. This must be my lucky day!

I enter and more or less ordered him to drive me straight to Dennis company.

He does so and soon enough, I'm in front of the large building. I see loads of huge men guarding the bag.

What if Dennis has already searched through my things? I wonder to myself. Well I'll give it a shot.

"Madame, I need to run", the taxi driver says obviously oblivious to the fact that I am silent killer.

"Uh.. Do you know where I can get a tear gas or a flabber gas? "

"Yes but why do you need those, they are extremely dangerous"

I roll my eyes! I'm not dumb! I know they are dangerous! Tear gas, when inhaled makes you pass out for a while but that's it. While flabber gas well it freezes your body for a long and I mean a fucking long time.

But I keep my peace since this dude knows where I can get those.

"I know but please where can I get them?", I ask so sweetly, I accidentally bite my tongue.

"Oh! I only have the tear gas and it's at the back, in the boot".

Yeah righ... Wait... What?

"Why do you have those in your... "

"Does that matter?" He says cutting me short.

"Hm! Whatever!", I say grabbing the tear gas from the back at the same time ensuring that my birth mark doesn't show.

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