Chapter 24

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You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine,
You make me happy,
When skies are grey,
You never know dear,
How much I love you,
Please don't take my sunshine away!

"Am I your sunshine Marcus?",I ask Marcus when he was done singing the song.

"Of course you are My Angel!"

"You know the age difference between us is zero, so stop talking like you're a super old man!", I say giggling as I run away from him waiting for him to come catch me.

"I am your super wise old man", he says in mimicry as he runs towards the tree. I turn around to run but trip on my own foot. I soon start falling to the ground expecting the thud anytime soon. No thud! No pain! I slowly open one eye and see Marcus give me his infamous mocking smile. He caught me!

"I not only saved your butt Jemima, you're it",
He giggles and runs away from me.

"Hold it right there you little bitch!"

I immediately halt in my tracks and look at Marcus. He protectively comes in front of me.

"Excuse me young man, I need to speak with Jem", Ava says in a bitter tone.

"You better not hurt her or else I'll..."
I cut him short with a pat at the back and he reluctantly moves aside. I come forward and look down at my feet.

"You haven't cleaned my room, why?", Ava asks in her bossy tone.

"You weren't up from bed then", I stutter.

"For Christ sake Ava, leave Jem alone. Can't you do it yourself? I mean she's your sister!", Marcus exclaims in exasperation.

I could see the look on Ava's face morph into anger. Oh no! She's going to hurt one of us now! And just as that thought crossed through my mind, she hardly pushes me to ground. The force was so much, I landed with my head and sustained an injury.

"Jem!", Marcus yells my name as he bends down to pick me up, while Ava walks away with a satisfied smile.

"Why does she hate us so much? Aren't we her siblings?", I say crying unto my palms.

"Shh My Angel, it's okay, everything that happens happens for a reason"

"Promise me Marcus! You'll never leave me!"

"I promise you my angel, I'll never leave you", he says and gives me a funny look to cheer me and soon I start laughing.

"You know something Marcus?", I ask playing with the sands.

"Yes! I know you're pretty.", he says, playing with my hair.

"No! Not that! You know why I'm the luckiest girl in the world?"

"I do but tell me"

"Well, I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have a brother like you and not just any brother, my twin brother", I say giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh Jemima Luciana Valerian!"
"Oh Marcus Lucianus  Valerian!"

"Flattery will get you everywhere and as for your reward...home made pizza!", he excitedly calls and I gleefully jump in excitement.

He promised me he was never going to leave me and he left.


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