Chapter 18

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Six! I have taken my sixth bottle of liquor and I still feel normal. I want to get drunk so that all my pain and worries will flee!

Drunkenness doesn't take the pain away.

I know! Hey who said that? I ask myself looking up to see her again. My conscience.

If you know it doesn't take the pain away, why do you plan on getting drunk?

"Just go, I don't want anybody thinking I'm crazy", I say removing my eyes from her and taking a gulp of the sixth liquor in my hand.

Look for him! You know you miss him!

"Where do I start? He could be anywhere in this damn world. Is he still alive?"

"I'm pretty sure you're not insane", Nina's voice brings me out of my reverie.

"No I'm not I was talking to... ", I halt in my statement as I look at the spot where my conscience was but no one is there.

"You're talking to the air?", she states with a raised eyebrow.

"Never mind. How does it feel to be a twin to Dimitri?", I ask changing the topic.

"That dick head, always getting on my nerves but heaven knows I love that kid, so is anything going on between you and Jay?", She asks

Smooth! Real smooth!

"No, not a thing. Are you and Zayn like a thing or something?", I ask opening my seventh bottle of liquor and taking a sip.
She stops a guy passing with champagne and takes a cup.

"For me who's not an egg, you crack me up Jemima. Zayn is old and I'm not into boys", She giggles.

"Oh", was all I could manage. Wow! So she's a lesbian. I really wonder how girls date girls. Isn't it gross. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a thing against lesbians, it's just icky. I only hope she won't catch any feelings.

"Don't worry, I'm already dating someone else and she's amazing", she states taking a sip of her champagne.

"Right", I say looking around for someone, anyone to get more liquor.

"Yeah! Anyways I better get going. It's time for aunt's medication. See ya!", she says standing up to leave and draining the entire glass of its content.

"But the party is about to begin", I dryly exaggerate.

"It's past one in the morning Jemmy, we have definitely overstayed our welcome. Hope to see you soon", She says leaving in the direction for her aunt.

I freeze in my spot as I realized she called me Jemmy. Mr Valerian was the only one who called me that. I hurriedly grab my ninth bottle of liquor and gulp it in a rush. My ninth bottle! Wow! So fast.

I touch my forehead and wipe the cold sweat away with the back of my hand. That's better. I begin to feel light headed. I get up from my spot and move around.

"Hey Jemima!", Zara says excitedly.

"Hi", I simply state.

"You want to talk?"

"Sure! About what?"

"How you ended up being an assassin.

"Oh, uh Jon found me and took me in. He raised me as an assassin and just like that I became one"

"Yeah ok"

"You like Jay don't you?"

"Is it Obvious?"
I chuckle. It's obvious, very obvious. She has been fondling him and flirting with him all day.

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