Chapter 13

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This is a very matured and smut chapter so read at your own risk.


No? She said no? Why?

"Why Jem?", Alan asks lowly not caring that the others were staring at them.

"I literally grew up in New York Al. That's my home, I can come there anytime I want. I want to explore Rome a bit. Please stay with me", Jem says half pleading.

I really wish I could stay with you Jem but my father is ill. Alan thinks to himself but he hesitated a bit too long because Jem continues;

"Please Al, Rome is your home town. You haven't been here in a long time please. I'm sure Jon will understand", she says teary eyed.

Please don't make this hard on me Jem. My dad is really ill and I don't want to burden you with my problems. Please understand. Alan thinks to himself again, pulling Jem into a hug and wiping off a single tear that betrayed her.

"I really wish I could Jem, believe me but I really left something important undone to come get you" he says in all honesty before adding "more like someone".

"I'm sorry I didn't get the last part", Jem says looking up at him.

"I said it's okay if you want to stay but you'll come back for the birthday tradition right? ", he asks in a joking tone to ease the tension.

"Wouldn't miss it", Jem says grinning from ear to ear. Her mood has obviously lightened up a ton. Alan is the best brother anyone could wish for and more.

"That's my silly girl!"

"Am I a silly girl?"

"No you're not!" Alan replies at the same time she says, "no I'm not" and they both giggle and hug for the last time.

Alan watched her join the rest of group. He watched her link hands with Jay and his blood pressure decreases. He uses every ounce of energy to hold himself in place and avoid running towards Jem and rip her hand out of Jay's.

He hopes Jem would look back one last time. Even for just a second but she doesn't and when it seems she isn't going to look back, he turns his head away and Jem simultaneously turns her head towards him. Hoping he'll look back at her one last time even for just a second but he doesn't.



Even though I really wished Alan could stay a little longer, I know I had to let him go but I wished he had looked back at me. Even if it was for just a second.

Sometimes I feel like Smacking him so hard until he realizes I'm in love with him.

The walk home was silent but comfortable as everyone was engulfed with his/her own thought.

"What will you all like to eat?", Anita announces upon our entry into the house.

"Ice cream and cake", I and Anita say.

"Pizza", Dimitri and Jay says.

"You guys order pizza and we'll have cakes and ice cream", Anita more or less ordered.

"But don't you guys dare enter my kitchen with filth all over your bodies", Anita says tiredly as she walks up the stairs.

"But it's my kitchen", Jay says face palming and this stops her in her track.

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