Chapter 16

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Thank you guys so much for taking your time to read my book!


"Anita parce mihi placet! Paenitet! Placere! "
(Forgive me please Anita! I'm sorry! Please!), Dimitri desperately says banging on my door for the thousandth time.

I walk to the door and open it.

"Look Dimitri, I'll talk to her but please stop banging the door okay?", I calmly state. I didn't have the strength to quarrel anymore. I also ignore Jay who is standing beside Dimitri, hoping I'd spare him a glance.

"Please do Jem, let her know I'm really sorry", he says hugging me, trying to get a peep at Anita but she's in the farthest corner of the room, so he can't see her.

"Sure, now go freshen up and make us some lasagne", I say going into the room and shutting it right before Jay could say anything.

"You need to stop crying like a baby and go talk to your boyfriend, he's a weeping mess", I say dryly concentrating on the mortal combat game I'm playing.

"He almost hit me and if you weren't there today, he'd have", Anita says wailing again.

I feel sorry for her, she is so in love. Gosh! Love is a pain in the ass. I look at her swollen, red eyes, tear streaked face, even her face is swollen.

"Tsk tsk! You look miserable! You've been crying for over five hours and if you don't stop now, I'll leave you" I say continuing my game.

"Aren't you mad at Jay?", she asks

"For what? What exactly did he do? He told me to wear skirt to tomorrow's party? If there's anyone I should be mad at, it's you Anita for suggesting skirt in the first place, I was only upset that I have to wear skirt, that's all", I reply nonchalantly, still focused on my game.

"But.. Never mind! At least Jay didn't hit you"

"And Dimitri didn't hit you either", I state sticking out my tongue and furrowing my brows in utter concentration.

"Why don't you understand Jem? I..."

"What is there to understand?", I cut her short,  getting agitated and dropping my phone on the bed.

"I agree he made a mistake, but don't you think he's in pain because you're in pain too? You've been crying for over five hours! Five hours Anita! And you still don't want to forgive him! Fine by me but I'm not going to sit here and wallow in self pity like you're doing right now", I strongly state and make my way to the door before stopping and going back to her.

"It's okay if you want to stay here but if you're coming down, there's a face towel in the drawer, damp it in cold water and use it to dry clean your face. I have some lip gloss over there too. Apply some and look alive okay?", I say smiling before pulling her in a small hug and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

I make my way downstairs and the smell of lasagne has my stomach grumbling.

"I hope you made extra because I'm starving", I state upon entry into the kitchen.

"Where is she?", Dimitri states, looking behind me fervently.

"Relax she'll be here in five! Four! Three! Two! One!", I say counting my fingers and just at the end of one, Anita emerges down the steps slowly. And with everyone's attention on her, I steal a chicken wing from the plate and quickly eat it.

What? You don't expect me to starve myself while waiting for some hormonal teenager. Please don't tell any of them, I took the chicken. Wait! Who am I talking to? I'm going crazy! I think before actually face palming and focusing on the situation at hand.

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