Chapter 26

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"Uh Jem! There's something I want to discuss with you", Alan says as he pulls into the drive way. Oh no! This is it! He's going to tell me that what we had last night was a mistake. I take a deep breath.

"Oh Alan! Just hold that thought will you? I don't want to keep Marcus waiting", I say in a rushed sentence as I hurriedly jump out of the car and fast walked into the house. Once inside I release a sigh of relief. My ringing phone startles me a bit.

"Who is this?"
"It's Marcus, meet me at The Outlet"
"Roger that"

That was easy. Wait, he didn't tell me the time! I better get ready. I move to my room and take a hurried shower and by the time I was done, the sun was already setting. I pack my hair up In a pony tail and wear a black shirt and loose shorts. I put on a pair of trainers and grab my bike keys.

I see Alan sitting on the couch and he sees me. He smiles and stands up to give me a hug.

"Do you want me to come?"
"No!", I answer quickly, way too quickly than I intended to.
"I mean, no! It's a... How do I put this nicely without offending you?"
"I understand Jem. Now go out there and make me proud", he says giving me a kiss on the cheek. I smile up at him and hurriedly leave the house.

I hop on my bike and zoom off. I didn't want Alan to come because he might try to tell me that what we had last night was a mistake. How will he even think like that? What happened last night was beautiful and as cliche as it sounds, it was terrifying too. Not in the bad way, but in a good way.

With different thoughts racing through my head, I speed in the dark, on my bike. Allowing the cool night breeze slap softly across my face and the moon bathing me with its light. Soon enough, I arrive the outlet. Such a peaceful place. So many criminals use this place as their haven to hide dead bodies. I climb the little bridge that over looks the river.

I look up at the moon and its sight has me smiling and thinking back:

"Isn't it beautiful My Angel?", Marcus asks pulling me closer to him as we look at the moon outside our window.
"It is Marcus", I say, resting my head on his shoulder.
"You know something Marcus?"
"Yes, I know that you're beautiful just like the moon"
"No not that! When I grow up, I want to be just like the moon"
"Really? Why tho?"
" 'Cause, it's so peaceful and calm. It never gets angry and doesn't everyone love the moon? I want everyone to love me"
"Everyone loves you"
"Mum, dad and Ava hates me"
"They hate you because you're unique and different. Don't let them ever get to you"
"I love you Marcus, please never leave me okay?", I say hugging him.
"I'll never leave you My Angel"

"It's beautiful isn't it?", Marcus asks, his voice bringing me out of my reverie. I look away and clean my tears. I hadn't realized I had been crying.
"So, why have you called me here?", I ask willing for this to be over as soon as possible.
"Remember when we were little and you always thought I was your hero?"
"The keyword there is was"
"Remember when I was Godfather and you'll look up to me as your role model"
"I was under the impression that you were Godfather"

"Oh shut the fuck up Marcus!", I yell, the tears now flowing down freely with me making no efforts to hide them.

"I get it! I've always looked up to you but that was in the past. I have a new hero now and that's me! I am the only person that will never lie to me. I am the only person that trusts me. I am the only person that never breaks my promise to me! I am my hero. And if you called me here to torment me about how naive I was then or how loving you then was a mistake, then I better get going", I say with the tears flowing down.

"Mum woke me up one early morning...", he began. I look up at him waiting for him to go on.

"She covered my mouth with a rag and tied my hands and legs with a barb wire. I tried screaming for you to wake up but it all came out as muffled breath. With the help of Ava and Dad, they dragged me out of the house. They put me in the back of the trunk and drove straight to the beach"

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