Chapter 25

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"Wake up sleepy head", Alan's voice rings in my ears. I'm so tired, I barely pay attention to his voice. I turn the other way and begin to relax when I suddenly felt the brightness of the light. I open my eyes and I'm partially blinded by the light.

"Close the curtain!", I murmur

"The hospital called and said Dad asked for you!"

"I'm up!", I say getting up from the bed with immediate alacrity and vigor.

"Eh..just kidding babe"

Babe? Not baby bear? Are we like a thing now? Is that how it works? I thought he's going to ask me out to be his girlfriend or something? Pfft! Fine by me!

"I made you break fast babe", Alan says, pointing at the tray on the table. I murmur a thank you and suddenly become shy. I recall the events of last night and it brings a smile on my face. I start feeling apprehensive. What if Alan takes me as one of his flings? I've seen Alan bring a lot of girls to the house and I know he's a girls' guy. What if he still sees me as his little sister? And he had sex with her last night?

Oh fuck! To me last night was the best night of my life and even if Alan thinks of it as something normal, I'll cherish it for as long as I live.

"Jem, there's something I need to talk to you about", Alan calls, bringing me out of my reverie. Oh oh! This is it! He's going to say that last night was a mistake.

"Hold that thought, I want to go see the Valerians", I say scraping the last crumbs of food in my mouth.

"In my shirt and your ruffled hair?", he asks.
I'm not that bad looking, am I? I go into the bathroom and take a look. On a second thought, I might just take a bath and dress to kill. From there I'll go see dad. That way, I'll avoid seeing Marcus.

After a hurried bath, I put on a black short and a crop top, with a blue sneakers. I let my hair loose and apply zero make up. I come out of the room and I'm greeted by Rex. I pick him up and stroke his back, speaking in funny languages to him.
"Let's go see our enemies boy".

At the mention of enemies, he begins to bark furiously. I pat him and tell him it's okay.

"Alan are you coming?", I yell his name.

"Just a minute", he yells back.

I put Rex down and begin to play 'fetch' with him with my dagger. I throw the dagger to a far corner and he goes to fetch it. I throw it for the fourth time and it lands at the feet of Marcus. Marcus picks it up and stares at it. Rex barks for Marcus to give him the dagger so he can come give me.

"Rex! He's also our enemy". Rex soon starts barking furiously at him and I out stretch my hand for Marcus to give me back my dagger but instead he shakes my hand.

"Finally Jemima, it's a start!", he smugly says. I become so furious and demand for my dagger again.

"How did you come about this dagger?", Marcus asks studying to baroque designs on it. He hands it to me and pockets his hands at the back of his trouser.

"When I turned ten Alan gave me this dagger. His dad gave it to him he was ten. It has been passed down throughout the Ross's generation. Alan has no intention of becoming a killer Mafia or and all rounder Mafia, he just wants to track anything that needs tracking or coding or decoding, anything that just involves computer. So he kept this dagger and when I turned ten, he handed it over to me"

"That's pretty inter..."

"Moral of this story...", I interrupt Marcus...
"One man's trash is another man's food", I say bending down to pick up barking Rex. I shush him up and say soothing things to him.

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