Chapter 29

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"You're pregnant"

The doctor says like it's a good thing. Like I'm supposed to jump on my feet. Like I'm supposed to squeal for joy.

"No way!", Alan says and looks at the doctor. The doctor goes out and Alan follows him.

How can a one night thing lead to a baby? Alan's baby? My baby? Our baby?

I begin crying. Not because of the baby, but because Alan considers what we did that night a mistake. He already rejected the act that night. I mean he's been trying to tell me that it was a mistake.

"Hey hey hey Jem! What's wrong?", Alan asks.

"I don't want this baby", I blurt out before realizing what I had said. I look at him and immediately regret making that statement.

"Why?", Alan asks the tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"I don't want my child to grow up without a father or without a father who doesn't love him", I say.

"Why will you say that?"

"Well after that night we had sex, you've been trying to tell me something. Haven't you been trying to tell me that whatever happened was a mistake?"

"No Jem! Why will you even think that?"

"Well you've always seen me as your sister and nothing more. I've loved you Alan. I always will but I was scared to tell you because I always thought you'd brush it off as sisterly love. In fact I have told you so many times but you just replied back like a brother would", I say, covering my face with my hands and weeping uncontrollably.

"Jem! After that night we had sex, I wanted you. I wanted you as more than my sister. I wanted you as my girl friend. I've wanted you for a long time now but you only see me as your brother. Each time I say I love you more than you can think of, what do you think I meant? I love you Jem. Will you be my girlfriend"

I nod my head without hesitation and the tears begins flowing freely. Alan leans in and kisses me passionately. He places his hand on my belly and smiles.

"My child! Our child!", he whispers and he begins crying. Tears of joy instead.

Soon after, the doctor comes In and tells me I'm free to go. Alan helps me up and we go to Jon's ward. We tell him the good news and he almost jumps out of the bed in pure delight.


It's been a week since I found out I was pregnant. It's been a week since Jon was discharged from the hospital and now we're getting ready for Marcus's burial.

"Be strong love. Everything will be fine",Alan states, hugging me from behind and placing his hands on my stomach. I have never seen this side of Alan before, this overprotective side. Sure he has been protective but not too protective.

"Yo love birds! You wanna go for it or what?", Anita calls from outside. We laugh and go outside.

We drive to the venue and meet some other Mafias there with their cameras. Don't these people ever get tired of publicity? I roll my eyes as Alan help me out. Immediately the cameras begins flashing. Alan shields me with his body as we make our way to the front row with the others.

The priest gives some remarks and calls me to give a speech.

"Good day everyone! As you all know by now, I'm Marcus's twin and I only just found him a few days ago. Um..."

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