Chapter 4>>

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He stares at me and I do the same with equal velocity,not at all wavering in my gaze even for a second.

Wow! The mother-fucker meets all my expectations, if not surpass them. But what I was not expecting him to have was a nice moustache that ran from above his upper lips, down to his jawline, before ending at his chin. I resist the urge to drool over the tattoo on his right arm since I had been half-kidding when I had said I wanted him to have a tattoo all over his arm.

"Holy shit! You must be Jem! I wasn't expecting you to be so stunning. Well I was expecting a pretty girl but not a damsel", Dimitri said almost gaping.

Anita shoots him a deadly look and leaves the kitchen rushing towards the stairs.I guess she went to her room and Dimitri went straight after her leaving me alone with the...

I chuckle before going to the refrigerator. I'd do whatever it takes for me not to talk to this gold digger and luckily for me, I see different flavours of ice cream that make my mouth begin to water. Which one do I choose?. I decide to take chocolate, strawberry, vanilla and butter scotch flavors.

"How rude! You come into my house, eat my food, sleep in one of my rooms and all I get in return is you ignoring me?", he asks in a dangerously deadly manner, stopping me in my tracks as I head for my room.

The nerve of this dude! And who the fuck cares if it's his house I'm staying in or not? But you see, I don't blame him! I blame Jon and Alan for conniving to put me in this situation.

I just sigh, roll my eyes and continue walking but his words stop me in my tracks again;

"I didn't know you were dumb?. Alan never said anything of sort!"
He says sighing dramatically.

I slowly but eventually turn around and met his calm gaze with a deadly one.
"I was just proving to you that silence is the best answer for a fool. Anyways, nice seeing you again asshole".

It's proven. We are sworn enemies.

"Then you're the foolish one. If you weren't you'd have still ignored me and continued walking to your room".

Wow. Good point!

"Let me make this clear to you, I am not the most feared assassin for nothing and I'll not hesitate to put you in your place", I say irritably. He is grating on my last nerves and it's taking a whole lot of effort not to lunge forward at him. Not today. Not –

"I guess that makes two of us. You know, I was expecting a very childish character and a naïve girl but you Miss, have definitely surpassed my expectations". That made two of us.

"That is where I am more superior than you! You underestimate your opponent while I on the other hand don't, and why are you sounding like we haven't met before?".

"You're fierce for a woman! Again my mistake for underestimating you! Who would have taken you for a woman with so much venom?", he asks eyeing me.

Or perhaps he doesn't know who exactly plays the games. Doesn't this idiot know that men were born by women and women they shall be killed by? And that behind every successful man is a strong woman?.

"If it were not to be for this ice cream in my hands, I'd have shown you exactly why I'm the most feared, then again, it'd be an insult to ice creams all over the world", I say finally walking away and meaning every word.

"Meet me tomorrow at 7:00pm in my room, I want to give you a drill of Dennis's movement", he shouts after me but I ignore him and walk into my room where I crave to devour my ice cream as I think about what had just happened. Why couldn't he give me the drill now instead?. Fuck fate!. Here I've planned not to ever come in contact with him, but  fate had other plans for us. You better listen fate, I don't want this to be like those fantasy novels where I'd end up having feelings for him!

Betrayed By My OwnOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz