176 5 0

Brett and Eddy rushed back into the backstage room where the system was with that anonymous note.
They opened the email and found numbers that only comprised of 0 and 1.
And under the list was written 'password' and a blank box.

"From what I know, I am guessing that this is binary code." Brett said.
"Should we try decoding it?" Eddy asked.
"Yeah, anyway we have practice break for half an hour. Let's try decoding it."

But they didn't know the consequence of decoding this email.

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Meanwhile, laughing over the new episode of the charades video, Vaishnavi got a notification on her gmail account. When she read the email she immediately stopped the video, clicked on that internship application, filled the form and sent it back. Then she went back to watch the episode.

"I hope I get the internship, it's all I ever want." Vaishnavi said it to herself.

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