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Eddy woke up in a room he never knew. Everything seemed hazy in his vision and his head hurted.
"Ow.. what happened?"
He saw two violin cases on a table and not quite far, Eddy saw spectacles on the floor and he immediately knew to whom it belonged to.

He quickly got up and rushed towards Brett.
"Brett! Wake up!" Eddy exclaimed while shaking Brett's shoulder.

Brett woke up and saw a familiar face he knew.
"Eddy? What happen- ow, my head hurts." He said rubbing the back of his head.
"Vacy knocked us out." Eddy said while getting Brett's glasses.
"Where are we?" Brett asked and fixed his glasses.
"I don't know."
"Are you ok?" Brett asked.
"Yeah. You?"
"I am a bit hazy."
"No worries, take your time." Eddy said.

A while later,
"Well, I see you both are awake." Vacy said as he entered the room.
"Stop playing games." Eddy exclaimed.
"Get to the point." Brett stated.
"Oh! I am playing games?! Had you solved the code correctly then this wouldn't have happened." Vacy said in a hard tone.
"That's why you asked us to come here?!" Brett questioned.
"Excuse me?" Eddy asked.
"For a battle." Vacy said.

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