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After the plane was stable and the seat belt sign turned off, the crew members started to give refreshments to all the passengers.

"I'll take one coffee." Brett said.
"Nothing for me." Eddy said.
The crew member gave Brett a cup of coffee and left.

Up at 35,000 feet, when all the passengers were asleep, there were two musicians who were awake to solve a riddle.

Since they couldn't talk or get any help from Bella, Vaishnavi or Sid, they were on their own.

"Do you have think all of this has a meaning?" Eddy asked.
"I don't have any answer to that. But it matters a lot when it comes to music."
"True. Very true."
"I know it doesn't make sense, I'll still try solving the next line." Brett said.
"Ok." Eddy replied.

Since there was internet connection, Eddy searches for 'Vegas of the South'.
But the search results showed him hotel bookings in Las Vegas.
Eddy sighed. He crossed his arms and starred at the ceiling of the plane and let his mind wander.

Brett was working on the line,
Find the corner of grey.
"Could it be a building?" Brett questioned himself and read the line again.
"Grey... grey area? As in mind? No, no it cannot be." He laughed.
Brett looked through the plane's window.
The dark night was accompanied by the moon's brightness that made the sky look like a dream.

"Could it be-" He turned to Eddy. But before he could finish he saw Eddy sleeping.
Brett knew that in every flight of their tour Eddy slept off.
He removed the phone from the tray table and decided to enjoy the flight for a while.

He picked up the flight's magazine and began to read an article about Brisbane.
The article was too long for Brett to read, his eyes tried hard not to shut.
But unknowingly Brett slept off too.

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