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"Are you sure, you would get a map here?" Brett questioned.
"It's worth a try." Eddy said.
Both entered the library.
"How may I help you?" The librarian asked.
"By any chance, is there a map of Brisbane?" Eddy asked.
"Yeah, we do. Apparently a student has issued it. She'll return it back today."
"Oh ok."
"You can come in the evening." The librarian said.
"Ok." Brett said.

A while later,
Vaishnavi called Brett and Eddy.
"Hey, where did you both go?"
"Oh sorry, we went to the library to get any hints for the riddle or for the anagram." Brett said.
"Oh. I called you because I wanted to tell you both that we are now going for the trio practice."
Sid said.
"Oh, no problem." Eddy said.
"We'll be in your room, Sid?" Brett questioned.
"Yeah!" Sid exclaimed.
The two violinists went to Sid's room and had a thought if geography would play a role in the last riddle.

Meanwhile, in the practice room group 9 was practicing:
Tchaikovsky's Piano Trio in A minor, Op. 50

"I hope Brett and Eddy solved the obstacles." Vacy said.
No comment from the other two.

After two hours of silent practice, Vacy spoke.
"Atleast, give me the book you took from me last week Sid."
"I don't know where I kept it."
"Let me help you find it."
"What? No!"
"I knew it! Eddy and Brett are here."
"Are you serious, Vacy?" Vaishnavi asked.
"Then show me your room."
"Fine." Sid said in a hard tone.

Vaishnavi left the room and immediately texted Eddy.
"Listen! You both have to leave the room! Vacy is coming."
"What?" Eddy replied back.
Vaishnavi explained the whole conversation to Eddy.
"Oh ok."
"Brett!" Eddy exclaimed.
"We have to leave."
"What? What happened, Eddy?"
"I'll explain it to you on the way. Just take your phone and violin case."

The two left the room as quickly as possible.
Brett remembered the Navigation Sid told.
Pass the grand hall,
Take a right- its the library
and left- exit through the foyer,
And you'll be out of the uni.

As they passed by the library and took a left, Brett saw Sid.
Brett immediately warned Eddy.
"Oh no....let's go to the library." Eddy said.

The two entered the library for the second time. Since they couldn't go back to the room, they decided to search geography books in the back end of the library.

Not long before evening arrived. The place where the two were seated was far away from the entrance of the library and was filled with geography books. Indeed it had maps of various countries, cities even like Brisbane but something was out of place.

A while later, Brett and Eddy heard a loud bang on the door.
"What was that noise?" Eddy questioned.
"I have no idea. Let's see." Brett said.
As they walked towards the main library, it was dark.
"Why are all the lights switched off here? And one where we were sitting?" Brett asked.
"Where is everyone?" Eddy asked.
"Let's see outside." Brett replied.
Both held the door bars and quickly realised a fact.
They were trapped inside the library.

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