19. 8 BITS

104 5 0

"Let's try the first code, Brett." Eddy said
Eddy and Brett were shocked by the first code as each code contained 8 bits.
Not to mention the codes were written in a very blurry way so that the person decoding, would surely going to make a mistake.


"Is it me or is the code blurry?" Brett asked.
"Yep, it is blurry."
"There are eleven rows of codes. This could be anything! Number, letter, words or even sentences!"
"Omg, this is too much for us to decode. We seriously need help."
Eddy called Bella.
"Hey Bella, do you know if anyone could help in coding? Maybe you?"
"Hi! I am sorry I don't know coding, Eddy."
"Oh ok. No prob-"
"Oh wait! Give me 10 mins."
The line dropped.

"Does she know?" Brett asked.
"She said no. But before I could tell anything she asked to wait for 10 mins. Maybe she is getting help." Eddy replied.
"Oh ok. Isn't this type of code sheet list available on the net?" Brett questioned.
"Never thought of that. Let me try...oh, I can't."
"Because the system is locked and I am not able to access any browser or website." Eddy replied.
"That's does not sound good."

● ● ●

Bella knew who exactly to call for this.
During her practice of the Cello sonata no.3 of Beethoven, her phone rang.
"Hey Bella! Is everything alright?"
"Hi! Kind of 50-50."
"What do you mean?"
"Listen carefully, apparently Brett and Eddy got an email that had a code and a fanart. The fanart was beautiful! And this code they tried to decode it but it sent the laptop to lock mode for 24 hours."
"Wait. Did you say fanart? Did it have a small signature of a V in cursive?"
"Yes why.....omg that was your fanart?!?"
"It was magnificent! But the code-"
"Is of Vacy's."
"Oh no. Now Brett and Eddy have to deocde a set of binary codes and they need help."
"Oh! My friend Sid knows binary coding!"
"Oh, that's such a relief. Keep it confidential between you and Sid."
"Definitely. I am starting to suspect Vacy behind all of this."
"Hmmm...Ok, get Sid in 10 mins and I'll patch you up to Brett and Eddy."

Vaishnavi immediately ran from her practice to call Sid.
Luckily he was studying in one of the lecture halls.
The echo in the room was loud enough for Sid to notice that someone entered the hall.
He saw a shadow that stood next to him.
"I need your help."
She dragged him and explained about everything that has happened on their way back to the practice room.

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