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Brett and Eddy explained how they solved the first two lines of the riddle.
"Wow!" Sid exclaimed.
"What coincidence on finding the second line!" Vaishnavi also exclaimed.
"I know right?!" Brett said.
"Yeah! By the way, how far are we from the uni?" Eddy asked.
"Just 5 minutes." Vaishnavi said.
"Oh ok." Brett said.

Brett and Eddy got out the car with Sid at the uni's entrance while Vaishnavi went to park the car.
Meanwhile, Brett and Eddy wore their sweaters, hung their violin cases on their backs and wore caps to hide their faces.
When Vaishnavi came back,
"Woah! For a second I couldn't recognise you both." She said.
"True! Are you ready to go back to uni?" Sid asked sarcastically.
"Yeah!" Brett exclaimed.
"Yep!" Eddy exclaimed.

As the four entered the building, memories flooded in Eddy and Brett's minds of when they were in uni.
They saw students running from class to class while many were studying in the library.
"We'll go to my room." Sid said.
"Ok." Eddy and Brett said.
Brett and Eddy hid their faces and walked the corridors of the uni and all the rooms were on the other side of the uni. And to go the other side they would have to walk via the grand hall.

The whole uni was like a maze.
It totally confused the two violinists.
"This place is so confusing!" Brett said.
"It even confused us also, when we were new to this place."
"Yep." Vaishnavi said.
"If by chance, you both have to leave the uni and we're not there just remember this naviagtion:
Pass the grand hall,
Take a right- its the library
and left- exit through the foyer,
And you'll be out of the uni." Sid said.
"You might want to note it down after we go to Sid's room." Vaishnavi said.
"Of course!" Eddy exclaimed.

Many people tried to recognise the two 'new' students to see if they know them.
"They look quite familiar. I wonder if it's them." He spoke.

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