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After informing Bella regarding the delay in their flight, in the restaurant Brett and Eddy were trying to solve the riddles. Two riddles.
"Menkov Rubello.. Is this person someone we know? Like a composer?" Brett questioned.
"No idea. Let me check it." Eddy replied.

No result.

"There is no one called Menkov Rubello." Eddy said.
"Oh. Um....let's figure the four line riddle... three line riddle." Brett said.

Come with your crowd.

"Why does Vacy want us to come with a crowd?" Eddy asked sarcastically.
"Doesn't make sense. Wait, does he want twosetters to know about this?" Brett questioned.
"That's a valid perspective. But why?"
"I have no idea."
"Or does he want the four of us to face him?" Eddy asked.
"The four meaning you, me, Sid and Vaishnavi?" Brett asked.
"Also possible."
"We can't move to the next riddle without solving this one, Brett."
"I know. This is so confusing."
"There is something related the word 'crowd' I assume."
"And I think it does not mean as simple as an audience crowd."

"Before we do that, how much time before the boarding starts?" Eddy asked.
"15 minutes before boarding starts."
"Oh ok. Let's reach the gate and then do this work."
"Sounds good." Brett said.

Both left the restaurant and walked towards the departure gate.
They reached the gate within 5 minutes from the restaurant and were seated in the chairs near by.

"Crowd." Brett said.
"If its not an audience then what?" Eddy asked.
"Let's view it from another point. Let's focus on how all of this is related to music."
"Hmmm. We know that Vacy is uni student and his instrument is violin."
"Eddy, I think the boarding has started."
"Oh. Let's go."

While standing in the line to board the plane, Eddy saw that Brett was missing his violin case.
"Brett, where is your violin?"
"Oh my god. I left it on the chair."
"You go get it. I'll stay in the line."
Brett went back to the area and he saw his violin case underneath the chair. He picked it up and realised something. He rushed back.

"Eddy, check the synonyms of violin." Brett exclaimed.
"Ok. You got your case?"
"Yeah. It was underneath the chair."
Eddy searched the synonyms of violin.

Fiddle, violinette, crowd.

"The first line is solved." Eddy said.

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