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"Hello?" The older violinist said. 
"Where are you both? We have been calling you both since forever!" Vaishnavi asked.
"We have been worried!" Sid exclaimed.
"Um....we're actually locked inside the library." The younger violinist said while trying to open the door for the 10th time.
"What?!" Vaishnavi asked.
"I saw Vacy coming and we decided to hide in the library." Brett spoke.
"And thought of finding geography books. We were so focused until we heard a loud bang. And realised that we're locked inside." Eddy said
"Oh no."
"Don't worry. We'll get you both out of there." Vaishnavi said.

From the back of the library Brett shouted,
"I FOUND THE MAP!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Oh that's good!" Eddy shouted back.
Eddy walked to and fro around the doors to find anything to get him and Brett out of the library.
Then he saw a keypad.
On the screen four blanks were displayed.

"BRETT! COME HERE!" Eddy shouted.
"What is it?" Brett questioned.
"There is a keypad here."
"Do you both know anything about this keypad?" Brett questioned Vaishnavi and Sid.
"Strange. I do not know anything about the keypad." Vaishnavi said.
"I have heard the librarian saying ‘It was the first time Neptune was played in a public performance.’Could this be the answer?” Vaishnavi asked.
“Maybe!” Eddy said.
“And we have to enter the year on the keypad to unlock the library doors.” Brett said.

Brett’s phone rang and echoed in the room.
It was an unknown number.
“I don’t who this is!” Brett said.
“Pick up the phone.” Eddy said.
And it was the voice they did not wanted to hear.

“Hello?” Brett spoke.
“Well, well. We’re getting late for practice? I wonder who said that!
Oh and if you’re wondering how I know the fact that you both are here, I happened to notice two suitcases that had luggage tags of yesterday’s date and it couldn’t be Sid. So who could it be?
Brett and Eddy.” Vacy spoke.
The four were speechless.
“And before you could question me, let me state the fact very clear.
Enough is enough. I have given you both enough time to solve the code and riddles.
Only Brett and Eddy shall come. Currently the time is 5:30pm. At 7pm meet me at the......” Vacy cut the line.

Brett and Eddy starred at each other in horror.
“Quick! We cannot lose focus!” Sid said.
“Ok....ok. When was Neptune first heard in a public performance!?” Vaishnavi was frustrated.
“I don’t remember the year!” Brett said.
“19.....1920..1920!!!” Eddy exclaimed.
“What? How did you know that?” Brett asked.
“I remember once reading in a novel that stated that in 1920, Neptune was first heard in a public performance along with the whole completed suite of The Planets.” Eddy said.
Brett rushed to the keypad and dialled 1-9-2-0. The keypad turned green and the doors opened.
“It worked!” Eddy and Brett exclaimed.
“Yay!” Sid and Vaishnavi also exclaimed.
“We don’t have much time. And from what Vacy said the riddles happens to be a location.”
“Meet us at the foyer.” Eddy said.

After a while of running, the four met in the foyer.

“Come with your crowd,
Reach the Vegas of the south.
Find the corner of grey,
Or you'll never open your mouth.”Brett recited the riddle.

“line 1: Violin
Line 2: Brisbane
Line 3:
Line 4: Twoset at risk.” Eddy said.

“Maybe Line 2 and line 3 are related.” Sid said.
“Brett do you have the map?” Eddy asked.
“Yep!” Brett said.
He removed the map and spread it out on the floor.
“Corner of grey.” Vaishnavi said.
“Grey street!” Brett said.
“The grey street!” Brett said as he saw a street having the name ‘grey’ on it.
“And at the corner of it is the famous Queensland Performing Arts Centre or Qpac.” Vaishnavi said.
“Vacy wants to meet in Qpac? Why not here in the uni?” Eddy questioned.
“I don’t know.” Sid said.

“I’ll get my car, you all come and meet me in 5 minutes.” Vaishnavi said.
“Ok.” The three replied.

Sid, Brett and Eddy gathered the map along with their violin cases and waited outside the uni.
Vaishnavi came pretty quickly.
The three hopped on the car and the time struck 6pm.

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