Chapter 1

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        I had moved to New Orleans only three years ago and had been enjoying my new life. The city was beautiful and the people were kind. There was only one thing to worry about, and that was the serial killer here. The locals would whisper about who it might be and when they might strike again, while I continued on my way with a smile. I rushed past the bar and went into the ally. I knocked on the door and a man opened it. "Ah, (Y/N), come to pick up?" He said. I nodded. He handed me the basket as I handed him the money. Once he was satisfied he waved goodbye and shut the door as to not let any one know what was going on. I started on my walk back home ready for what was planned.

As I got to my door the news boy came over to me. "Paper?" He asked. "Yes, please." He smiled and handed me one. I opened the door and set the basket down. May 5, 1923 It read. "Well any news on the murders?" I asked no one. I flipped threw the pages and saw two new ones. Woman slaughtered in own home, detectives still have no clue who killer is. I had no clue who had done this, but I was sick of them, so I started reading the next. Man left hanging on tree by his own organs, detectives question if killer has struck again. "WHAT? NO!" I yelled slamming the paper down. "THAT WASN'T WHO EVER THIS OTHER KILLER IS!" I picked up the paper. " So much help you are..." I put it on the coffee table and went over to my radio. "Time to listen to something creepy before I miss it all." I joked turning on my favorite station. The man's voice started up and started talking. "Good morning everyone!" His voice sounded as though he was smiling. "Morning Alastor." I said hoping that even though he couldn't hear me that I would forget how lonely I truly am. "We have more news on the killings today!" He announced.

"The first is about a woman slaughtered in her own home! The detectives found Martha May in here home, after her sister found her dead, torn to shreds and dismembered. The detectives have no clue where her hand, leg, and her ear. How daring of the killer to do something as horrid as this. There still is no evidence to who the killer could be, and still no witnesses, or at least none alive to tell the tale." He then erupted in laughter, and I started laughing as well. "The second is about a man strung from a tree by his own organs. Interesting..." He had paused. "Why did you pause? Do you know they are different people?" I asked as though I expected him to answer. " As locals passed by in the park yesterday morning they had though they had found the man hanging as though his small intestines were vines he was using to keep himself up. Nothing from him was missing, but his heart. The detectives believe that the two murders were done by the same person, but I don't believe that. They have been showing different killing styles based on their victims. I believe that the second killer is a copy cat." I felt the rage boil up inside of me once he said that. "I AM NOT!" I yelled trying my best to not break anything.

It was now midnight and I know what I need to do to prove I'm not a copy cat. I started hunting for the killer, and maybe on the way do some killing myself. I recited bible verses as I walked because I knew if I started reciting killers and their facts I would be in deep trouble. "Spare change? Just for a drink?" A man asked as he sat in the ally way. He was dirty and had a shaggy beard. I hid my disgust, but thought of what I could do. "Only If you can get me to the end of that ally safely. You see I'm terrified of the killer and I stayed at a friends house a little to late." I lied, but made it sound convincing. He nodded and took me down to the ally. As we got to the halfway point I pulled out my knife and slit his throat. As he soon passed out and died I cut out his tongue. "I don't think you will need change now sir." I said putting his tongue in my pocket. I soon slipped out and heard footsteps approaching. I knew I had some blood on my and I couldn't get cough. I started to speed up. Faster and faster. I was scared of being caught by the police or a detective. Surely I would be questioned and searched. The night's breeze brushed threw my hair and I heard the foot steps getting closer. I have heard about another serial killer on the radio, and I was petrified by who could be following me at this time of night.The police? A detective? What if it was the other serial killer? Please for the love of mother and Marie Laveau, don't let them catch me... I thought to myself.

I soon felt a hand on me. "Pardon me, but you looked a little scared coming out of that ally way..." He said turning me around. I put on my almost crying face and started to act. "P-please d-don't kill me! I-I was with a friend to late and lost tra-" The man shushed me. "I'm not going to harm you, I only wanted to know If you wanted help home... Is that blood?" He asked. His voice sounded so familiar... "T-there was a noise in the ally and I went to see w-what it was thinking it was a cat... b-but there was a man. H-he couldn't talk and his throat had been slit. I-I tried to help him, but I-I was to late." I was quite use to lying by this point. " Oh you poor dear... let's get you to your house so you can clean yourself up and then you can go to the station when ready and tell them." He said. "I-I don't want to be the n-next victim." I told him almost in 'tears'. He nodded. "I-I'm sorry but I swear I know you..." I told him. "Ah yes. I'm Alastor! Who might you be?" Alastor asked. "(Y/N), you're THE Alastor? As in the radio host?" I asked. "A fan I'm guessing?" I nodded. "If you want I can tell your story from tonight without you being known." He said. "I'd rather not take the chance." I told him. He understood and left that one there. Soon I was at my house. "Thank you again..." I said. "No worries I'd rather you be safe then sorry. Would you like to meet up again tomorrow?" He asked. "That would be wonderful." I smiled, I didn't notice till now he had a smile on his face the whole time. "I'll pick you up after my air time." He said and I nodded and waved him goodbye. I wander why he's out here so late.


First chapter! Any thoughts so far? I can't wait to read them!

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