Chapter 25

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        I felt like I had been hit in the head and everything was dark. I tried to call out for Alastor, but something was in my mouth. I couldn't spit it out. My eye's started to get use to the light and I could tell there was a bag over my head, a potato sack to be honest. I tried shaking it off my head, but nothing happened. I listened for someone or something. "Boss I think their up!" I heard someone say. "Good I have to take over hell sssssssome how, and this ssssstreat walker and their hussssband are to powerful!" I heard the man hiss.

What is he some type of snake? I heard him slither closer to me and took the bag off my head. Lights flashed in my eyes and I shut them quickly. Slowly opening them I saw the figure get closer to my face. "Good morning." He said. I couldn't talk, but I made a face that questioned him. "You can't talk, but I'll allow it if you don't sing." He told me. I'll sing if I want you slimy bastard! He proceeded to put something around my neck. "If you sing you will die, for you see I have invented a machine that will strangle you if it feels certain vibrations." He told me as he ripped what ever was in my mouth out.

"If all else fails I'll just shoot you!" He said happily. "Who the hell are you?" I asked him. "Why, I am Sir Pentious! The soon to be ruler of hell!" He proclaimed. I scoffed almost ready to laugh. "Honestly you're as scary as a new born mouse. I doubt you'll ever be a ruler of hell, let alone a great invention maker." I told him. He looked like a little girl who's dolly was just taken away. " I will be taking over hell when you and that radio moron are gone!" I started laughing.

"What?" He asked me. "Radio moron? That's the best insult you have? Tell me how many times have you trued taking over hell?" I asked him. He kept trying to say words, but they never fully came out. "Twenty-eight times..." He said quietly, but I heard him. "But now that will change! I knew your hussssband will come for you and when he does I can kill him then you!" He started laughing. I looked over into the darkness and saw a lovely pair of glowing red eyes.

I let them know I could see them, but made sure the the over lord wanna be didn't see. "You think your plan is fool proof? Honestly it sounds like everything you make fails, I mean how do I know that this wont fail and your gun, which is probably made by yourself, wont fail to kill me either? I bet you can't even tie a not, can you? I bet another thing is you can't fight hand to hand with out some stupid invention." I was taunting him so his eyes would stay on me. I was now taking notice of how he had way more eyes them me.

" I can and I will, and last time I checked I wasn't tied up to a chair!" He was laughing. The eyes peered back to me and creep closer. I could tell his tie was pathetic because it all fell off me after moving for a minute. There was a crash and the snake guy turned around. I got up and grabbed the chair ready to hit him, but he turned around and I lost control of my mind."Sssssssleep now!" He told me and for some reason I did.

The room was spinning and lucky this time the room was dark. I looked around and I was on a bed, my bed. I sat up and saw the stuffed animal Alastor planned to get me. "Alastor!" I called out. The door flung open. "You're awake!" He said rushing by my side. I hugged Alastor." What happened?" I asked him. "That snake hypnotized you and you fell unconscious, so I kept out vow and threw him into a portal then got you out." He told me. "I'm so happy you're alright now." He hugged me tighter."I'm happy to be back..." I pulled back and grabbed at my neck."Broke off when you fell..." I smiled at him, then gave him a kiss. "My hero."


So I sang the song for you guy's because why not. I hope you like it and I hope you have a lovely night! *Sneaks off to watch new episodes of Steven Universe Future*.


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