Chapter 10

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        Alastor and I had been up for about three hours now, although he was up before me. I had just finished the dishes when I looked over at him. "Fawn, would you like to join me in my studio and listen to the stories?" He asked. I looked at him with aw, I knew that the first time I heard his show I wanted to meet him and see him in action. "I would love too!" I said hopping over to him. "Now, now little fawn, or should I say bunny? Anyways I know you've been working on that scary story, would you like to read it, or would you mind singing the songs you or I have?" He asked. I took a minute to thing about it. "I'll sing for you." He raised his arms as to celebrate. "Finally I have someone who can do some singing, if the listeners like you that is." He joked causing me to laugh.

We headed to his little studio and he grabbed another chair. I went to sit in it, but he stopped me. "You will sit in my chair, for you are my guest and it's only polite." His grin was something no one could say no to. "Only at price..." I teased him. He leaned down and kissed me. "How is that for payment?" I gigged and nodded taking a seat. He started messing with the dials on the machine and then the light above showed he was on air. "Good morning everyone! Today I have a good friend of mine..." I understand. "Who will be singing one of the eerie songs I have or one they grew up with." I looked at some of the papers as he told his stories to give me time to choose and I decided on one faster then expected.

It then transferred to me and I started singing.

"Don't ever laugh when a hearse goes by,
or you may be the next to die.
They wrap you up in a big white sheet,
from your head down to your feet.

The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out.
The worms play pinochle on your snout.
They eat your eyes, they eat your nose.
They eat the jelly between your toes.

They put you in a big black box,
and cover it up with dirt and rocks.
All goes well for about a week,
and then your coffin begins to leak.

The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out.
The worms play pinochle on your snout.
They eat your eyes, they eat your nose.
They eat the jelly between your toes.

A big green worm with rolling eyes,
crawls in your stomach and out your eyes.
Your stomach turns a slimy green,
and puss comes out like whipping cream.
You spread it on a slice of bread
and that's what you eat when you are dead...

So don't ever laugh as a hearse goes by for you are the next to die..." I held out the last part of the song. Alastor was stunned, but went back to talking and explaining the song. I got up and headed out to get some water. I knew Alastor wouldn't mind my leaving, and if he did, then I made sure to flash a big smile to him.

I got my water and started writing a letter. It was to my mother. I told her about how I made a grand new friend, though he was more then that to me, how I was doing well out here, how I missed her, and I lied about how I made a living. I finished it with the normal, "Love (y/n)", and put the letter to dry. Once it did I put it in the envelope and sealed it shut. "My dear fawn, I'm finished with my work for the day, If you would like I can take you out for a walk of some sorts." I looked down at my letter. "I have to give this to the post office once I'm done with it, if you want to walk me there." I smiled finishing it. " Gladly, but might I ask to whom it's for?" He was now lying his head on my shoulder.

"It's for my mother, I miss her..." I told him as we walked out of the house. "Ah, I do hope you get a response that will make you cry tears of happiness!" He said with all the best intentions. "I do too... It's been a while..." I looked at the note in my hand and played with it a little. "I'm sure your mother is doing just fine." I looked up at him and smiled. Once we got to the post office I turned over the letter and the lady nodded telling me she would deliver it to mother. I thanked her and left.


Mom has a timer on my wifi, so I finished after it went off, and not posting was due to me at dads, so I just wont post when I'm down there. Also thank you guys so much! I hope you enjoyed and have a lovely night.


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