Chapter 4

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        We had started heading to my house after another hour or so of talking. "Favorite colour?" I asked. He somewhat laughed then answered,"Red!" He then looked at me and asked the same question. "Easy, (f/c)." I gave a smug, but playful grin. "Oh dear... it seems we're at your house... I have had a splendid and wonderful time with you today! I do believe I have made my first friend here!" He said. I laughed."The feeling is mutual!" We both smiled and waved each other off. I started to unlock my own door when it hit me.

'You see, I was out looking for a friend' He had told me... that's why he was out... because of a friend... but... He just said you were his FIRST friend. Follow him. No problem with that, Victoria. I had started to follow him and if he went to turn I would hide. I don't believe he ever saw me, at least I hope not. Soon I saw him turn a corner that didn't lead to his house. I sank into the ally leading to where he was going and saw him taking a woman into the woods. I followed making sure not to step onto any leaves or sticks left in the walk way.

Alastor soon came to a stop with the woman. As she started laughing he lunged at her, choking her out. "What shall I do to you?" He said. I watched as he pulled out a long and sharp knife only to plunged the knife into her. She tried to scream, but she couldn't quite get it out of her throat. I watched as I saw him rip her open then proceed to remove her organs and jewelry. What are you doing? I was close to yelling it when he placed her jewelry into the opening and replaced what was around her neck, hanging from her ears, and her own ring with her organs. "You can use this as a fashionable belt!" He was speaking to her as he wrapped her own long intestine around her wast. "Your kidneys would do so good as earrings... what if I..." He then found the earrings and jabbed the earrings into the kidneys. "Now you can wear them!" He proceeded to stick the earrings and kidneys into her ears.

"Now a necklace for you!" He grabbed her small intestine and wrapped it around her neck making it look pretty. He then grabbed her lungs and put those around her neck. "Beautiful..." I whispered to myself. His head shot his head towards me. "Come out little fawn and you might live..." He said. I backed up because I didn't bring my own weapon and he had his knife. So I turned and ran. Up and down, right and left. I soon made it close to the end of the forest and thought. Ok if I go out to the street he will find me. So I climbed a tree and hid. He soon ran out onto the street and looked around. He was soon satisfied and left for his own house.

I was soon left alone so I went back into the forest and took her rib and left. I got home and set the rib down. Now that you know what will you do? "Easy, tomorrow I will bake something and bring it to his house after his show, then I'll bring it up, see if he knows. If he does and realizes it's not in the paper yet then I'll have my knife ready in case of him trying to kill me. If he does and doesn't try to kill me I might tell him. I mean we have grown a grand friendship, so chances are he wont talk." I said slipping into pajamas.

I started to work on my voodoo some more. "I do have to get a new victim and see if I still hold my power to repossess people."I said to no one. After I finished a simple spell for good luck I headed to bed. Tomorrow... what will happen? I smiled as I dozed off.


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