Chapter 12

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        Days had past, then weeks, and then a month. I hadn't received any mail from mother and each day I became more and more worried. "My fawn... lunch is ready..." Alastor said as he placed down the bowl of soup. "Thanks..." He was about to sit down, but came over to me instead. "I know you're worried, but please eat... I'll go down to the post office after to look for it because I know that your mother is alright."He put his hand to my cheek and I just held it there and came close to crying. "Hey, it's alright I promise. Please smile, for you are never dressed without one." He said making me smile. I gave him a small nod and started eating.

After we finished he left to retrieve the mail so I decided to do a little cleaning. I fixed up our books and dusted the shelves, I swept the floors and did anything to keep my mind off of things. About fifteen minutes after he left he returned. "I do believe you've been waiting for this my fawn." he said handing me the letter. I jumped up and hugged him. "Thank you so much!" I said as he handed it to me. I opened it up and started reading.

Dear (y/n),

I'm happy to hear from you! It's been to long and I do hope you visit. I love hearing how you are doing well and I hope to meet your friend. Your friend seems to be a nice person and I would love to see that wedding. I know how you are so don't say you don't like them like that. I've watched as you've never made friends and when you did you would love them like your father and I had. I hope you don't mind, but could I come down to see you soon? I would love to see who my child plans to marry and see New Orleans. I do want to hear more about your job! It's so interesting and I never thought you would become someone so amazing! I hope to hear from you soon.

Love forever, mom. October 12, 1924.

I laughed and hugged the note. "Al she's ok and she want's to visit and meet you!" I was jumping up and down. "Then she can stay in your old room, but we would have to hide a few things." I looked at him as though he was kidding. "Really? You'll let her stay?" I asked which made him nod. I hugged him and gave him a kiss. "You're the best!" I smiled. He looked to where I left the envelope. "You should probably start writing back." He said heading over and picking up the envelope. I grabbed some paper and a pen and started writing. I didn't see that Alastor pulled out another paper from the envelope.

He started reading it."(y/n)..." He said in almost a whisper. I looked up worried because he never really called me anything but fawn. "Is everything ok?" I asked. He just looked down and handed me the note.

To the child of Ms.(l/n),

I'm terribly sorry to inform you, but I'm afraid your mother has passed. I am her caretaker and had found her letter back to you while cleaning her room. I felt the need to have it delivered to you because of the aftermath. I feel as though to tell you she passed due to sickness. It happened in her sleep as she clutched a picture of your father and you. I shouldn't be the one to break the news to you, but I knew no one else would. I'll be travailing down to deliver the last of her things she wanted you to have. Once more, I'm sorry for your lose.

January 5, 1925.

I couldn't think properly and the room started spinning. Nothing made sense. Mom had to be living, there was no way she was dead. My legs were having trouble keeping me up and right before the room went black I started falling. I heard Alastor call out my name in panic and I don't know if he caught me or if I fell to the ground. All I knew was that I was out and wouldn't be back for another hour or two."My fawn... please be alright, I don't want to lose you..."


Ooooo scary and sad. I'm sorry, but I'm also not. Anyway's hope you enjoy and have a lovely night.


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