Chapter 27

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        The day before, Alastor had gotten us to help with the hotel. It would be a fun new experience, and I did look foreword to it. We soon got ready and headed to the hotel. "What do you think we'll do today?" I asked Alastor. "What ever Charlie has in mind I guess." He was just as clueless as me. "Here, take a hold of my arm." he said holding his arm out for me. I took hold and we were at the hotel. We walked in and Charlie ran up to us. "Ok so I have something planned and I need your help." She said to Alastor. "I'm sure I can find more ways to help my dear." I looked at the two ready to know what it was. "So I was thinking we could go out and find people who want to come to the hotel along with hang up posters." She told him. He nodded. "Dear why not stay and get to know everyone?" He asked me. I nodded and smiled.

Alastor thanked me and left with Charlie. I looked at the others who were left here as well. I went to the girl who I found out was Vaggie. "Good morning dear, how are you this fine morning?" She turned and looked at me with a rude look. "Just great considering Charlie is with someone NO ONE should trust!" She seemed upset so I left her. I walked over to Angel. " So tell me, what's with her?" I asked him. "Vaggie? Ah, she's a bitch to men, usually just men, but you apparently make the shit list!" He laughed. "Hey you like to cook like your daddy or no?" He asked. I was confused by what he meant.

"My father did teach me to cook, but I prefer to bake." I told him and he had a questioning look. "So you call Alastor your father? That's a whole new level of kink." He told me. "What? No my father is the man who helped with my birth, Alastor is my hun. Why would Alastor be my father?" Angel just shook his head. "Never mind, so tell me do you like to have a good time?" He asked. "Yes, who doesn't?" He smiled. "I'd say fifty dollars for an hour." He told me. I shook my head. "Playing games and such is not worth that much." He just stared at me. "I mean like have sex! What are you an idiot?" I was disgusted. "I feel as your STD count is higher then both Alastor's and mine's body count, so never would I sleep with you." I told him walking off.

I was looking at a few of the paintings when Nifty zoomed by. "Oh my! Look at your sleeve!" She rushed back over to me and took a hold of my wrist bringing it to her level. She fixed up a tiny tare that I didn't take notice of. "Oh thank you!" I told her. "Oh no problem! Aren't you the partner of Alastor?" She asked. "Yes I am, why?" She smiled. "You look a lot more like a model then what he told me! He described you and talked about you all the time! Then again I did ask him a lot about you! It's great to finally meet you!" She said it all so quickly it made me giggle. "Nice to meet you as well!" She looked back at everything else and looked back at me. "Sorry but this place is anything but clean and I need to clean it! We can talk later though, so bye for now!" She said rushing off.

I found that tiny girl to be even faster then me, and I truly found it amusing. I gave a slight chuckle and went to the bar. "So great to see you again Husk." I heard him mumbling. "I wish I hadn't seen you." He told me in his normal grumpy tone. "Sure you do. So how are you these day's?" I asked. He rolled his eyes and poured two drinks. "Winning money, losing it, doing it over again, same old shit I did before." He told me handing me a drink. "Still wasting your hours on gambling? I would have thought you would do something better." He just took a sip of his drink. "Still better then doing all that shit back then with you freaks." I didn't take his worthless comment to heart, I mean who would? "I'm honestly surprised you remember my favorite drink. I'm impressed." He just moaned and turned around. I finished my drink and waited for Alastor to return.


I just wanna ask if people would like to send their own oc's for when the hotel has people in it. If you do then message me the info for them and I'll make sure they get added!  Hope you enjoyed and have a lovely night!


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