Chapter 20

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        I was outside Victoria's door and I was talking to Alastor. "Ok wait out here and I'll give you the ok when I'm ready, alright." He nodded and I couldn't help but kiss him. I walked in and Victoria hugged me. "I heard on the radio that the Radio Demon want's you! I was so scared. Are you alright?" She asked. I gave a slight giggle." I'm more then alright! I know who he is, and he wont harm me." I told her. She was stunned." Why? He could be looking to kill you!" I could tell she was worried. "Do you want to meet him?" I asked. She gave me a stern look. "If you drag him back to my place I will be the death of you." She was serious. "I plan on moving out today, so no worries." I joked.

"You're moving out? Where?" I looked up. "I'm moving with him..." I said and Alastor walked threw the door. "Tory." He greeted. "YOU'RE the radio demon?" She asked. He nodded. "You and your husband are to powerful... but I know you two will be ok." I looked at Victoria. " We haven't been married yet..." I looked down. "That's what we do next then! We move you in with me and in a week we wed!" Alastor sounded more then happy. I smiled at him. "Yes! Of course, but how?" He looked puzzled as thought he didn't know as well. "We do our own vows and wed ourselves." I loved the idea and agreed to it.

"Alright, now your stuff needs moved. Let's get to it." Victoria started to pack what little I had. I helped and Alastor was looking around. "You'll find us in the woods just east of where we are. Feel free to visit anytime, well during the day if we're home." Alastor was talking to Victoria and she smiled at the offer. "Thanks... anyways, that should do it." She said handing me the suitcase. I smiled and hugged her. "Thank you so much. You are the best." She hugged back and gave a quite thanks.

Alastor and I were now walking to his house. People were staring. I heard their whispers. "I thought he wanted to kill them..." "I think their a thing..." "What if they put him under their spell..." "What if he is taking them to the square to kill them..." All of them were making me giggle. I proceeded to tell Alastor what people were saying. He started laughing as well. "What are you two laughing at?" A man hissed, obviously drunk. "You laughing at me?" He decided to push me. Alastor looked at him and I could hear him speak, but his mouth stayed the same."If you ever touch them in anyway EVER again... I will take more away from you if you live!"

I saw a portal to god knows where and Alastor pushed the man into it. He then looked at all the other people. "Anyone else?" I heard him ask and I saw the smile I loved so much. It was a sickly sweet smile to others, one that would give children nightmares, yet I loved it. "No? Good!" He turned back to me and grabbed my arm. "We're almost there, just threw these woods." He pointed at the woods he was talking about. "The woods? Oh dear do you plan on killing me?" I jokingly asked. "I remember you asking that same question, I also remember it being a joke. I don't quite remember my response, but I will tell you you're demise will be because of me." He joked.

We were laughing as we entered his house. I looked around and it was beautiful. I saw a table next to the door and picked up a piece of paper on it. "Find (y/n)." Is all it had. "What's this?" I asked. Alastor looked over to me. "That's my to-do list..." I looked at it once more. I took the pen next to it and marked it off. "Well your to-do list is now finished." I smiled at him. "I loved finishing it... now how about dinner?" He asked. "One of your amazing meals? Most definitely!" I was excited.

"What would you like?" He asked. "What do you want?" He looked back at me. "I prefer vision instead of normal food, but I can eat what ever I make." I looked at him. "Might I ask, doesn't that make you a cannibal?" He started laughing. "One in life and one after death." Wait... "You were a cannibal while living?" I asked now confused and somewhat scared. "Why yes! Oh, but don't worry! I never had you eating anything, I simply made my own!" He reashered me. "I was worried there... I never wanted to eat another due to the tales of windigos..." He laughed. "Alright, I know what to make now." He started to prepare a meal for the two of us. I missed this.


 I hope you enjoyed and have a lovely night.


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