Chapter 23

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        It was time. We both had written vows and were ready. Alastor was changing in our room and I went into the attic to change. I fell a few times but managed to finish. " (Y/N), I'm heading to the living room, I will not peek at you till you are ready!" Alastor called up. I giggled and gave him a minute or two so he could get to the living room. I headed down and went to our bathroom before hand. "I look..." I didn't have the words, but I knew who would. I smiled at myself and finished with my look.

I slowly headed out because I was scared and anxious. It's my wedding day and I just couldn't think of anything else then what Alastor thought. I made my way and stopped at the door way. He was so stunning. "Al..." I couldn't finish. He turned around and looked at me. His mouth was open as if to catch flies, but nothing came out. "Is... Is everything alright?" I asked. He nodded and walked over to me. "You're just so..." He put a hand on my cheek." So perfect." I grabbed his hand on my cheek.

"Look at you, you are so much more then handsome." He smiled as though it was his first time. "Now come on." I said dragging him to where we planned to stand. I took his hands and held them in mine. I listened as his shadow started to say the normal things. As it finished it let us speak. "My love, my dear fawn, you brought the only love I know no to be my mothers. You made me realize how much having friend and partner in crime could be so thrilling, but you promised more to me and that was your love, which gave me one thing to keep alive and even a reason to kill with someone I love." I was a little teary but didn't cry.

"Alastor, my hun, after the night I killed my first human and summoned Victoria, I thought I could never love another man... then after running into you after one of my kills, I thought different. I knew something was off about you, but had no clue what. The year of being your friend made me feel something different, then you asked me to move in... after our kill, the kiss you gave me... I knew I was in love with you. I knew I only wanted to be with you. You proved I could love another, and he was you. " Alastor looked in my eyes and smiled. His shadow started talking and told us to slip on the rings so we did. "I now pronounce you lover's till death." Alastor pulled me in quicker then anything I could think of and he kissed me. I was taken back by this, but then I started kissing back.

We pulled apart and looked into each others eyes. He had trouble, but chose my bottom pair of eyes. It was silent for a good ten minutes and I knew it was ten minutes fully. "We're married." Is the first thing I said as the silence broke. "We are, and I never thought to be married, at least it's to someone I do love and enjoy their company." I giggled. "My oh my! They sound just marvelous! I do hope to meet them!" I joked. "Why follow me!" He said leading me to the bathroom and putting me in front of the mirror. "Is that them?" I asked and he nodded very proud to show me off to myself. "They are almost as good looking as you!" He gave a slight laugh. "No, I feel they are much better looking then me although I do look good."

"Oh!" He exclaimed. "There is something I want to do if you don't mind!" He said. I nodded and he picked me up and went out side. "What are we doing out here?" I asked." I'm going to carry you into the house! Mother told me father did it for her and I want to do it for you!" I smiled. "As you wish." He started to carry me in and stopped at the door. I giggled and opened it for him knowing it had closed. He took me in and sat down with me still on his lap. "This is the best day ever." I told him. "Ah and I can't wait for you to taste what I made just like how I can't wait to try some of the cake you made." He said. "My sweets hating man plans to eat some cake I made? Awww thank you." I gave him a kiss and he smiled. "I do love you more then anything, remember that, will you?" He asked and I nodded.


Hey sorry for not updating yesterday and possibly tomorrow, yesterday was due to mental health issues and tomorrow, if I don't finish it to day, I will be making a birthday present for a relative cus their birthday is this weekend. I hope you enjoyed and have a lovely night!


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