Chapter 16

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Till death due us part and even after. The words rang in my head for day's on end. They made me happy, but what made me happier was the fact my head was on his chest and his arms were around me. I hadn't been out to kill since the circus. I really wanted to get something fun done and Alastor said he wanted to go out tonight as well, so we were gonna kill in different ways. He would kill some one in a far away location and I would do the same. I rolled over and saw the time.

"We should get ready..." I told him. He opened one eye and looked at me. "Alright... let's get ready..." He let me go and I started to get my stuff. As I came out he bumped into me. "I'm sorry, fawn. Are you alright" He asked. I nodded, but said nothing. He held out his arm and I took it. "Thank you kind sir." I said taking it. He lead me out of the house, our house. He shut the door and we walked down the street. Later on in the walk we kissed and separated.

I walked down the dark and creepy road as I searched for a victim. I was looking for a challenge. The women were to scrawny, and men all drunk. No fun here... so I went down an ally. I saw a police man coming close to the ally on the other side and I knew that the woods were right there. I gave a scream and ran to the man. "Sir please! There's been a murder in the woods! The killer was following me!" I said with a panicked voice. He believed me and ran into the woods. I was right behind him. He came to a clearing and looked around." Where was the murder?" He asked.

I looked him in the eyes and smiled. He wasn't quick to react to me bashing his head with a broken branch. "Right here! Don't you see it? A copper was murdered here! Oh wait... I must be seeing the future!" I giggled and grabbed his gun, tossing it away from him. I started to gently pull off all his skin. It was a long process, but oh the thrill was amazing! Oh, how I miss doing things like this to men. Especially to the ones who didn't pay. I could tell she was watching my work.

"What happened to watching my back?" I asked as I finished skinning the man. I posed him in a way to look like he was star gazing, or sun bathing. You're in the woods, you'll be fine! I got up and laughed. I turned around and saw a man grabbing the gun. "You killed the only family I had!" He yelled. "I've never killed any-" I looked at the now dead cop. "Alright I might have killed him, but I've killed many people... who was your family?" I asked not even close to scared by him. "The circus was my home! You took them all away from me! Maybe if I hadn't slept with the one girl, I could have saved them..." He started to mumble.

"Boo hoo... do you want an apologize?" I asked not really meaning it."No... I want you dead..." He said. I laughed, and lunged at him. We both had weapons, the only difference is I was a serial killer with years of experience and a high kill count. I cut his throat and blood pored out. I laughed, but heard a gun shot. I looked all over myself and felt my head. "HA! You missed!" I laughed. He used the last of his energy before death to point to my stomach. I looked down and saw my cloths now staining with blood, but this time it was mine.

I held where I was shot. "Vic... get... Al..." I said. She started to form. "I'm sorry! It's all my fault! I'll go get him..." She left and I started to run to our house with what adrenaline I had left in me. I was but a block or two away and All that I had in me was leaving. The pain was now shooting threw me and I started crying. I wanted to scream, but I had to keep moving. I finally made it and opened the door. Alastor was there waiting. "I made it..." I said before falling.

Alastor had caught me and took me to our bed. The blood was now soaking my cloths. "How did this happen?" Alastor asked. Victoria told him everything. "I'm so sorry! If I had been watching your back you wouldn't have been shot!" She was upset with herself and very frustrated. "It wasn't your fault... the stars... they decided on this, and this is what happened..." I said not being able to finish what I wanted to say. I could feel myself slipping. Oh please, stars... just please two more minutes! I pleaded, and it worked.

"You've done your best to protect me throughout all these years... and I thank you for it... and thank you for being my best friend..." I told her. She shook her head. "No... you can't go! It's not your time..." I gave her a fragile smile. I felt as though it would break any minute. Tic... Tock... I looked at Alastor." Hun..." I started. He smiled." You never told me why you call me hun and not hon..." He said. "You have to tell me on our wedding day..." I could see tears forming in his eyes. "I call you a hun because you are my fearless worrier...Al... Please don't cry..." I watched as his eyes leaked what he tried to contain. "Look at me... although I know it's painful..." I said as his head raised and his eyes met mine. "I love you.... Alright? And I remember you saying 'till death due us part'... I never thought it would be this soon... but you also said 'and even after..." He started crying harder then before. I used the rest of the strength I had left and wiped away a tear. "Al... I'll see you in hell... alright? Promise you'll look for me?" I asked. "Hell?" I nodded. "We've killed... there is no heaven for us..." I told him. He smiled and nodded. "I'll look for you... because I love you." He smiled one last time for me. "I love you too... I hope to see you... again..." I had no more will power, and my eyes shut.

I soon saw my own body and Alastor shaking me. He called my name and grew scared. I watched as Victoria disappeared, no longer bound by my words. Alastor pulled up my body and started rocking it while singing. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine....You make me happy when skies are gray..."He was balling his eyes out as he sang."You'll never know dear, how much I love you..." He was choking on his words."Please don't take my sunshine away..." I got next to Al and hugged him, placing a gentle kiss on to him before being dragged down. I landed hard on the ground. I looked up and the sky was a bright yet blood red. I'm in hell. I thought.


Sorry guys, a lot's going on so I won't post till I'm back from dad's so sunday nigh or monday. Anyway's not sorry, this just leads to the second part. Hope you enjoyed and have a lovely night.


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