Chapter 5

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        I awoke and thought of what I would bake. A cake? How about some cookies? What if I made... Breakfast. Make breakfast. "Good idea." I headed to my kitchen and searched for something to make. "Pancakes will be nice." I said grabbing the ingredients. I started making my breakfast while thinking of what to make. Make a pie. "That works." I finished and began to eat. "Victoria, would you like some?" The silhouette of the three horned demon started to form. "You know, I might as well." She said. I set down her plate and she dug in.

Once we finished she cleaned the plates as I started baking. "Apple or..." I started. "Blueberry. No questions asked. I'd say poison it, but I want to see how far this will go." I nodded in agreement. "One, two, buckle my shoe..." I started singing. "Please don't, we made a deal that if I show true form you can't sing your utterly creepy songs." I looked over at Victoria and huffed. "Fine." I soon put the pie in the oven and started waiting.

The buzzer finally went off. "Ah, it smells so good." I said. "Do you plan to come with or stay here?" I asked. "And miss what happens? I'm going, but you wont see me." Victoria laughed and faded from her place. Don't forget a safety weapon. "Thanks." I said grabbing my knife and slipped it into my pocket that I knew would hide it. "Now time to take the pie to him." I said with a wicked grin. I headed out with the fresh pie and ready for answers.

I knocked on his door and he answered. "AH (Y/N)! What a surprise! Please do come in!" He said as he opened the door as to let me in. "Thank you. I made you a blueberry pie, I do hope you like it." I said as he took it from my hands and took a big whiff of it. "It smells just quite scrumptious! Mind if I have a slice?" He asked. I nodded. He headed to the kitchen, grabbed two plates, some utensils, and a knife. He then headed over and cutting the pie, putting it onto the plates. "Here you are." He said handing me a slice. "Oh thank you." I smiled as he took a bite.

We finished our slices of pie in no time and started talking. "You know I'm not one for sweets, but your pie was amazing!" He exclaimed. "Oh thank you!" I looked at him and decided to ask. "So did you hear about the murder in the woods?" I asked him. He chuckled. "Why yes I did!" I smiled once more. "I believe it to be the second killers doing, I mean they did say a rib was missing, and the second killer does take bones and organs." I said. I saw him become a little angry. "I think that it was the first killers doing and the second one stole something to make it seem like theirs." I saw as his eye twitched just saying that.

Suddenly he was hit with realization. "That murder wasn't in the paper yet..." His head shot towards me and he grabbed the pie knife. "You saw didn't you?" He asked. "I did." My smile some came to me again only this time it wasn't a happy laughfy one. Pull out your weapon! I did as was told. "What are the odds of two serial killers meeting up in the same room?" I asked. He laughed. "With how few people there are in this room, slim to none." I laughed. "Let's make a deal... I've grown quite fond of you, and having a friend like me is something I need. It seems you thought so too before I said anything." His smile never left his face. "What is the deal?" He asked slowly putting the knife down but not letting go.

"We work together. Partners in crime." I smiled and held out my hand to shake it. He was hesitate at first then he took my hand and cut into it. I had flinched and then he cut into his own. "What are you doing?!" I asked frustrated. He shook my hand and I could feel our bloods mix. "Blood truths. I agree to this, but never EVER steal one of my kills again. Got it?" I smiled. "On my honor I won't." His smile grew to be quite eerie. "You're lucky I don't just kill you." I looked back to him and put my weapon away. "Likewise."


Next chapter will come today, don't know when, but still. I hope you guys enjoyed and have a lovely night!


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