Chapter 17

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        I started walking around and thought about how it was so different then what people said. It wasn't all fire and it wasn't all misery. I saw people walking around and they all looked different. What do I look like? I started walking around and started to look for a mirror. Where is she, what do I look like, I need Al... I wanted to scream and cry, but... I knew what Alastor would tell me. 'You're never fully dressed without a smile, so please my fawn, smile.' His words echoed in my head. "I miss you already..." I whispered to myself as I started to smile, just for him.

First step, find a mirror. I moved down the streets as normal as possible and looked at passing by stores. Most of the places were bars and... places where sex was bought and sold... Victoria. I could ask around. I headed up to one of the workers and started to describe Victoria. She had no clue who that was, so I went on to the next and next. I soon became tired and hungry. I walked into a bar and sat down. Bar's have tabs. I thought. I looked at the bar tinder. I know you... but how?

"What the hell do you want?" I heard her as she swung around. "Victoria!" I shouted. "Only one person called me that... (Y/N)? that you?" She asked I laughed. "It really is..." She had a smile bigger then mine. "You must be hungry, here." She handed me some food. "You're staying with me after work." I looked up at her. "Thank you..." She simply nodded. "You never really smiled like you are now... are you happy in hell or happy with out... well you know..." I looked at her and wanted to cry, but my smile never left. "I want to live with the one thing I will always remember him saying." She looked at me and smiled." You're never fully dresses without a smile."

She was soon done with work and took me to her house. "I know that how ever many sins and how horribly torturous they were, can give them forms of power. Now... you might have a great amount of power." She said leading me in. "You can have my bed and I'll take the couch." I nodded. "Oh! Have you seen yourself?" She asked grabbing my hands. "No-" She started dragging me to the bathroom. She set me in front of her mirror. I was part (f/a) Favorite animal. I had four eyes, my hair and skin were (F/C), the hair was darker then the skin or scales that I had. My teeth were normal except for two fangs. My attire was (bare with me because I have to describe three outfits.)

Female: A long dress, sleeves are puffed out a little and see threw, the top part is a velvet button up, the cuffs and skirt part of the dress are a dark blue with stars scattered everywhere.

Male: The bottoms are black and formal, the under shirt is black as well, you have a vest on and over coat they both are a dark blue with starts scattered on both.

NB, GF, or other: Black bottoms that have a star scattered skirt that only goes from hip to the other hip and is only in the back, the top is star scattered,(I've said that to many times AHHH) and the sleeves are puffed out and see threw, and the cuffs are the same as the top.

Just remember you can change them if you don't like dresses or would prefer something different, but I do ask you keep the style of each one and the description. you may change the colour if you want, sorry.

I didn't look half as bad as some other people. "You look good." Victoria said. "I feel good." She started leading me to her room. "Sleep well..." She said leaving me in the room by myself. I felt like a bird in a cage with my wings ripped off. I was trapped, and the only thing that made me feel real was gone... I wouldn't see him till he kicked the bucket. I was without my love and to make matters worse, in a place I've only heard stories about. I lied in bed and started crying, but I still kept the smile on my face. I grabbed a pillow and hugged it till I passed out.


So I love fan art and if you want send the details of your character and I will gladly draw them for the next few chapters. Hope you enjoyed and have a lovely night!


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