Chapter 14

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        I started to get my stuff together and was talking to Alastor. "Please be safe, don't go to the circus, and Victoria please watch out for them." He told me before I headed out. "Hun, you say this every time and I always am, please get some sleep, you need it." I gave him a small peck on the cheek and started heading out. "I love you..." I whispered. Stop thinking about it... you'll get yourself killed! Victoria knew what I was planning. No, I've been planing for months and I'm not gonna lose this chance to worried thoughts. I've got this.

I was heading to the circus because it was in our town this time. I had my gloves and other toys that wanted to be used, and I knew how I would use them. I knew the performers would be asleep or getting ready to go to sleep by now so I could pull this off quite easy. I was creeping along the edge of the woods and I could smell peanuts and popcorn. "Sooo good..." I whispered to myself as I got closer. I saw the little carts they had for the performers to sleep in. My smile widened. I'm taking out a whole circus! Well, all but the animals...Turn back now! This is the craziest thing you've done or tried to do!

I was ignoring her. I started to search for the ring master because he went to bed last after a check up with everything. I saw him head into the large tent and so I followed. He was doing a sweep of the tent to see if people were still here. "I'm sorry, but you can't be here. The circus is closed for the night." I didn't say anything, but I quickly lunged foreword and grabbed his neck. I listened to him as he gasped for breath. I took one of my hands and grabbed a spoon. I proceeded to gouge his eyes out . His gasps fell silent and his heart stopped beating.

I then went to the next threat, the strongest man alive. I took out my rag and went into his cart. I put the rag over his face and he awoke, but then passed right back out. Chloroform always worked nicely with the over the top men. I then grabbed my knife and traced around his muscly arms. "I know what I want to do with you." I smiled and started to cut out his muscles and place them in his lap. The tendinitis and the freshly cut meat smelled wonderful and felt so satisfying to cut off. He bleed out. I placed him out side of his cart and wrote on the side of it.

Next was the bendable man. He was gonna be fun! I snuck into his cart and found him in his bed. I knew I couldn't hear the screams or cries tonight so I had to kill them quick. I snapped his scrawny little neck and giggled. I started to cut off his limbs and after I reattached them to different parts of him. A foot went where his hand was, a leg was sewn onto his chest, fingers were on his head making him look like a chicken, and much, much more.

Now was time for the traipse artists. I still had five more carts to hit, but hey I've got time. I went in to their cart and found the first one, a man. I plunged my knife into him more then once, which made it to where he could never wake up. I then found the other in the next cart over and did the same thing to her. I dragged their bodies to the tent and sewed the males hands onto the females legs. I then tied her hands and arms to the bars of which they hang.

Four more carts. How the hell has no one woken up yet? You ask me like I know. I went into the reptile man's cart and put to chloroform on him. I pulled out each scale on him and it caused him to bleed a little, but not as much as I wanted. The chloroform started to wear off as he started to awake, so I jabbed him in the throat and gutted him. He was left standing in his door way which was hard to do.

I went to the next cart. "Conjoined twins?" I smirked and went in. I shoved a sock in their mouths and tied their hands together. "How about a desperation?" I asked as they were panicked. I carefully marked the middle of them and took the scapulae and started cutting into them. I could hear their need to scream, but it was always stopped. Organs split in halves so each could have their own parts. I smiled at my work. So pretty. I left them on each side of their own stairs.

Second to last, the tight rope walker. I dragged her out by her hair after sewing her lips shut and took her to her own rope. She was a struggle, but I got the noose I made around her neck. "Walk or you die." I threatened. She would die either way, but it's fun to tease them. She was walking and I saw how her noose walked with her as she shook in fear. She was now in the middle of the rope, and it would be such a shame if someone were to... oh, you know... make the rope wiggle or move. I grabbed a hold of the rope and started to move it back and forth.I was laughing as she fell to her death. The rope stopped her from hitting the ground, but it did snap her neck.

Then came the animal trainer was next. I went in and did the same to the twins, but I didn't split him, oh no. I dragged him to the tent and chained him up. I found his whip and started to hit him with it. I watched as gashes were made in his skin. "This is how the animals feel." I told him as he cried. I finally got board and gave him a cyanide pill. He wouldn't take it till I pored water in his mouth and forced him to swallow. You crazy bitch, you did it. I smiled. I killed the circus!!!

I left for home and quickly did I run. I sank into the houses darkness and started changing. "You're back? It's so late..." I heard Alastor comment. "Sorry, I just got in the moment." I told him and slipped into bed. "You'll tell me about it tomorrow right?" He asked. "Of course I will, or we can wait for the headlines in the paper." I heard him give a tired laugh. "Either way... now, goodnight." He whispered and I whispered it back.


Reader was gonna get killed during this chapter, but I had this idea and I liked it more, so... I do want to clarify I'm not a psychopath, I just like murder shows and things like it. Well, Alastor's gonna be mad or upset. Anyways I hope you enjoyed and have a lovely night.


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