Chapter 2

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        I walked in and started to grab a spare jar. "This will do nicely." The dark emptiness of my home was the only thing that had heard me. I placed the tongue into the jar so it could dry out, then I left for the bathroom. I started to was the blood off of my hands and started singing one of my favorite childhood songs. "Dormez-vous? Dormez-vous? Petit John? Petit John? Pouvez-vous entendre les cloches du matin? Pouvez-vous entendre les cloches du matin? Ding-ding-dong. Ding-ding-dong." Mother always sang it to me just to wake me up. It was a French nursery rhyme, and mother remembered more of the odd songs then any of the longer more fashionable songs.

I finished cleaning myself up and went on to change. I slipped on my night wear and started cleaning my day wear. "Wash, wash, wash away. No more blood on you today." I sang silently. The blood was hard to clean out, but soon it was as though it was never there. I looked over to the ticking clock and read the time. "12:47 am... well... I am quite tired so I shall either sleep or I can..." I looked over to my bookshelf and saw all the jars and books on spells, voodoo, and a single bible. Sleep now. The morning will bring something you will not expect, perhaps a new friend. All right Victoria... I walked off to my bedroom and lied down in my bed. My eyes slowly shut as my mind drifted off and I was swallowed whole by my own dreams.

I awoke the next morning to a sliver of light hitting my face. "That damned curtain never stays closed..." I said getting up and choosing my outfit for today. Something blue and white. "Ok." I grabbed what I needed and got dressed. Someone's at the door. I looked over at the door and just as predicted there was a knock on the door. I opened it up and saw Alastor. "Good day to you. As is promised I am here to pick you up." He said with the biggest smile on his face. "I do remember, but what shall we do?" I started taking small notes about him. "How about a walk in the park?" He asked. I nodded and shut my door.

We started our way to the park and made small talk. It was mostly, 'Lovely weather we have today.' and 'Did you hear about the latest news?'. Father always told me small talk can kill, but he never said it would be this slow and painful. I kept thinking about how odd it was for Alastor to be out that late when the only ones out were the drunks ,the homeless, and the killers.... "Can I ask you something?" He looked over and nodded. "Why were you out so late last nigh?" I saw how his smile lessened, but he still smiled. "You see, I was out looking for a friend when I just happened to stumble upon you coming out of the ally. I thought I might as well help you and check on my dear friend later." His smile slowly started to get bigger. "Can I also ask about your smile? I don't mean to be rude, but you never stop smiling..." I pointed out. " You're never fully dressed without a smile, my dear!" He went on only to soon change the subject. "I never did get the full story... why were YOU out and covered in blood?" I looked up at him. "I was coming home from a friends house after not noticing the time, and as I walked back to my house I heard a noise in the ally. I thought it to be some cat so I went to check. I found the man there... blood seeping down his chin and his throat slit." I looked away as to be seen as not wanting to think of the night before. "I-I tried to save him... but I couldn't... I... I didn't even..." I purposely didn't finish.

"Didn't what?" He asked now intrigued by it. "I d-din't even say a prayer for him... I-I used to work for a church... and I still said nothing for him..." I finished. "I'm terribly sorry... why not tell me about your job?" He asked. I looked up tears in my eyes, even though they were fake, I still wiped them out of my eyes. "I got some of the horrid cases that needed exorcists. I was the one who could read English fast and translate the words to come out as Latin, so I would be the first one on the job. I would also help around the church with the children. The never liked me, but I never took it personally." He looked at me with interest. "So you are big into religion?" He asked. "No... I just would always help even if my beliefs weren't as strong as others." We both started to walk into the near by woods.

"Now what about your radio show? I would love to hear about it." I told him. He nodded. "I mostly talk about murders, serial killers, urban legends, scary stories, and most everything in between. I would have thought you one to know if you listen in on my shows." He said jokingly. I gave a slight laugh. "I thought I should still ask about you." He looked up to see how the trees were slowly swishing back and forth as though their leaves were like wine in a glass. "It's so quite and secluded in here... one could kill and hide a body here and it would take the police days to discover it." His voice had gotten creepier. "Indeed it is." I replied. I wasn't scared of him, I was a serial killer and a skinny, weak looking man wont stop me."How about dinner? My mother once taught me a recipe for gumbo and oh how it was good!" He asked in a cheerful tone. "Sounds delightful." I gave him a lovely smile back since he had carried his own up all day. "Sound's just delightful."


Sorry I know I said everyday, but got grounded and youngest spawn of my mother broke his arm so Yaaaay! Anyways I'm working on other chapters for this right now so I hope you enjoyed and have a lovely night!


All Dressed Up for a Homicide (Alastor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now