Chapter 13

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Summer was coming along and Diamond and Kendrick were doing good. Diamond was still annoyed about the whole baby situation but she knew that things happened. She just wished it was with somebody else.

"If my last day tomorrow", Kendrick said. "Meaning I gotta go back home"

"That's right. I didn't even think about that", she said.

"Maybe we can hang out every weekend or every other weekend", he said.

Diamond shrugs her shoulders.

"Or I could be your roommate for the summer", he said.

Diamond smiled a little. "That's not a good idea", she said.

"Yea you're right. Too early", he said. "It's only been like 6 months since we got together"

Diamond nods. "6 months of an in and out relationship at that", she said.

Kendrick looked to the side.

"Every other weekend will be fine...maybe sometimes every weekend but mostly every other weekend", she said.

Kendrick looked at her. "iight bet", he said.

Diamond smiles. "Well good luck on your exam today. I'll see you later for last night together", she said.

Kendrick bites his lip. "Iight and thank you", he said.

Diamond walks away.

Kendrick watches her walk away as he looked at her body. "Damn I'm going to miss that", he said to himself.

Kendrick gets a phone call and he starts walking to class as he answers it. It was Kennedy.

"Hello?", he said.

"Hey Ken", she said in a sad voice.

"What Kennedy?", he asked with some annoyance in his voice.

"The baby is hungry. Wanna bring us something to eat?", she asked.

"I'm about to take a test", he said.

"How about after", she said.

"Listen, Kennedy. You got a car. Go get something your self", he said. "I told you don't call me unless it's about an appointment or you having the baby"

"My feet are swollen", she said. "I need to keep them up"

Kendrick rolls her eyes. "After my test I'll be over there alright", he said.

"Thanks Kenny", she said

"What do you want?", he asked.

"The usual. 8 count nugget and fruit from chic Fil a.

"Iight", he said with a sigh before he hung up.

Kendrick shakes his head and puts his phone in his pocket as he walks into the class room.


When Kendrick got out of class,  he went to chic fil a and then to Kennedy's apartment.

"Thank you Kenny", Kennedy said.

Bed of Lies : BOOK 1 Where stories live. Discover now