Chapter 26

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The next afternoon. Kendrick finally woke up.

Diamond was watching T.V. As she laid next to him.

"Damn. Remind me not to drink again", Kendrick said. "I hate this feeling"

Diamond looks at him and sits up.

Kendrick looks at her. "What?", he asked.

"Do you remember anything from last night . Mister "I'm single and back in the game?", she said.

"I said that?", he asked.

"Yes", she said.

"Dang", he said. "I ain't mean it"

"Yea, but you said something else too... you said being in a relationship gave you a headache and you preferred to be single", diamond said.

"Now I definitely don't remember saying that", Kendrick said.

"Well you did. And I wanna know if you actually feel that way", Diamond said.

"No, you know I don't", Kendrick said.

Diamond just looked at him with her arms folded.

"Okay okay.. I'll admit that is was fine not having to worry about somebody's every move. I mean maybe if I didn't cheat, and didn't make a fool out of you about the betting shit, I'd feel more confident. Now I feel like, well think to myself...why is she even taking me back. I did her wrong I don't deserve her. I don't know why but lately I feel like one day you'll find somebody that'll deserve you", he said.

Diamond was quiet as she looked down.

"That's why my headache is coming from right now and about thrusday when I told you do get out. I'm sorry", Kendrick said. "That was outta line. It's not like you ignored me for hours.. I don't know I was just overreacting because so much stuff was going through my head that could've happened"

"It's okay", Diamond said. "And Kendrick, I don't if you remember me saying this either but...last night I finally said I love you too and I don't wanna keep any secrets from you even if it's going to break your heart...Kendrick I'm so sorry but Javonte -"

"isn't mine", Kendrick said.

"How did you know", Diamond asked.

"Been having my doubts lately... he don't really look like me and then my mom kept telling me to get a DNA test", he said. "And when her spirit don't feel right about something, she's usually right and then Kennedy been acting some type of way so...yes"

Diamond looks down.

"How did you know though?", he asked.

"...I got a DNA test done", she said. "Your mom kinda put me up to it"

Kendrick nods. "...besides. I always use a condom", he said.

"I got pregnant", Diamond said.

"Well 9.99 times out of 10 I always use a condom", he said.

Diamond laughs.

Kendrick smiled a little.

"Well you're taking this better than I thought", she said.

"Well...I'm not going to lie I've become attached to the kid. He feels like my own honestly and he got my last name so live that name to the fullest", he said.

Diamond touches his hand and chuckles.

"I just wanna know why she lied",he said.

"Well... guess you'll have to ask her", she said.

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