26. R2, not D2

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At my words and clear resolve Christian nods, pushing off the table and walking towards the door.

"Then we will do something about it, but I don't want you to tell anyone, there is no reason to cause alarm or the trainees will panic. This stays between us, am I clear?"

"Crystal sir!" Says Cassie, who seems to falter when Christians gaze falls on her for the first time. I forgot that Cassie never actually met Christian, which means--

"Who is this?" he says, looking at me again.

Cassie turns bright red, and I feel a slight irritation at how he just ignored her, talking to me as if she weren't in the room. Of course, Cassie and I are used to this kind of treatment, we had our fair share of it back at school and on the streets, but I honestly didn't expect it here, especially not coming from the mouth of our director. But I know that Christian means no harm, so I try not to get annoyed and answer him instead.

"This is Cassandra, Cassie, the girl I told you about. I wouldn't have joined the program unless she came with me."

He doesn't seem to remember right away so he doesn't bother himself with it any further, directing a friendly smile towards Cass, who seems a bit less red, and getting back to the matter at hand.

"We will keep an extra close eye on Simon Says and double security at his cell. In the meantime, I want you to go on as usual. Don't arouse suspicion, carry on with your training as if nothing were out of the ordinary. Thank you for bringing this to my attention, but I will take it from here."

"But sir," Kalen starts to object, "we could help."

Christian interrupts, cutting him off with a single hand gesture.

"End of discussion. You can get to your class now."

Kalen's mouth shuts so fast I'm surprised he doesn't break his teeth. He looks like he wants to say more, but he just tilts his head and walks out the door. I can tell by the slight heat that I feel radiating from his skin when he passes by that Christian has upset him and is, quite literally, making his blood boil. One by one my teammates file out of the room, but I stay behind, needing to get something I've been thinking about for a while off my chest.

"What is it Brianna?" Christian sighs when he sees I haven't left yet.

"It's about Simon Says," I start, stepping closer to his desk. "When we first found him, well, when I first ran into him, he had some documents."

Christian nods.

"It was one of the President's files, about his daughter."

Christian nods, looking both bored but patient at the same time.

"Yes, we have it safely locked away. Why is that important now?"

I wring my hands together, his words making me nervous.

"Well, I was thinking, if Simon Says is as much if a threat as we think he is. Shouldn't we contact someone? The council, or President Khan himself, at least to let him know we have his fi..."

Christian shuts the door so fast that it makes the entire frame shake, and I take a step back in surprise.

"No one is to contact the President!"

His usually dark skin has turned pale, and if I didn't know any better I would think it looks like Christian was... panicking. He takes a step forward, towering over me, his sudden anger catching me off guard.

"But Christian--"

"That man," He seethes, "would be no help to us."

I flinch as his dark brown eyes bore into mine. What is it with these people and the President? First Jordan, now Christian? What did Khan do to deserve such... mistrust?

Brianna Acero and the Second One's ReturnWhere stories live. Discover now