CHAPTER I: Orbinovus

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The most important event in all Orbinovian lives is being held. The sector assignment. Where Orbinovians 18 years of age gets to know which sector they belong. 4000 Orbinovians divided in 8 batches per country each year gather in a stadium to get the honor to finally have a job for them. Everyone was wearing a plain white one piece suit. Girls have their hair tied, and boys have their hair brushed up. Everyone was looking decent. The speaker, wearing a white slim dress walked up the stage and tapped the mic.

"Good evening, everyone." She greeted gracefully. "I am Euna Glonyr, the head of Sector Management Department in Country 94"

A holographic lettering appeared in the back of the speaker, saying Advanced Celestial Research Organization

"A.C.R.O- The founder of Orbinovus. The organization who brought you here. The organization who saved the human race. They are the scientists behind the success of this new planet. And now, you'll be given a chance to finally pay them back!" Said the speaker.

Everyone in the stadium applaud. Standing straight, with no trace of emotion on their faces.

The speaker continues and said;

"Two weeks ago, you took the Sector Assignment Test. And we analyzed, which suits you best. We have the Public Service Sector–where you can work in hospitals, food department, be a mentor, trainor, professor. The Innovation And Development–where you can be one of our technology developers, technicians, engineers. Worldwide Security–where you will be helping to keep the peace and order in the world.."

In the middle of the speaker's speech, Azi, sitting next to Glayden whispered, "WWS probably is the easiest sector."

Glayden smirked.

"....the Space Force and Research–where you can be Space agents travelling in space, searching for more habitable planets, extraterrestrial beings, and collect samples from space for research." Glayden and Azi looked at each other like they were thinking the same thing. It's the sector they both want.

"We got the result, right in this monitor now." Euna said while pointing at the that visualized everything she said

Everyone clapped their hands and started chattering.

"I hope we both made it to SSOF, Glay." Azi whispers to Glayden

Glayden is a bit taller than Azi. His skin is fairer too. You can see by their posture and figure that they've been physically active.

"Yeah.. me too." Glayden replied with a low voice.

The speaker started announcing the names of the trainees and the sectors announced to them. An hour have passed, none of them were called yet. Making Azi nervous. Glayden noticed his hands shaking.

"Hey. Are you alright?" Glay whispers. The trainee in front if them looked at him for being noisy. "Apologies. I'm just asking my friend." He apologized.

"I don't know. I just can't stand the pressure of this." Azi replied while looking around the stadium, seeing the crowds run out.

"Did you forget to drink your Survival Pills again?" Glayden asked. Trying to lower down his voice.

"Yeah. I forgot to get a refill at the health center."

Glayden took his Survival pills hidden in his watch. The pills are very small, you can store up to 7 pills in their watch's small compartment.

One of the things you will notice too is the layout of their watch. We on earth have round watches with numbers from 1 to 12. Orbinovians measure time differently. That's why the layout of their watch is different. Their watch is not round–rather it's rectangular with numbers from 1 to 10. They have a total of 20 hours per day and 50 seconds per minute.

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