Chapter 15: Survival Pills

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In the arcade, Glay once again hangs out with Harold. They're playing a shooting game.

"So how's it going with you and my sister?" Harold asks while playing.

"Good. We're good. We still text sometimes." Glay replied while also playing.

"Do you like her?"


"My sister. Do you like her?"

Glay stopped playing and breathes. Harold stopped too and looked at him. Waiting for his answer.

"There's no reason not too. I like her. I like you. I like my friends."

"No, what I mean is- do you like her in another level? You know. Like the adults say, girlfriend material."

"Well.. In my planet, we don't feel things like that."

"But you're in our planet now. What about now?"

"I still don't know much about it. I don't know what it means."

Glay and Harold sat down in one of the vacant arcade seats.

"Let me help you with that." Harold thinks of something. "Did you ever get excited to meet someone? Like, you're always looking forward to seeing them?"

Glay thinks and said "yes."

"Did you find comfort and peace when you're with someone?"

"I think yes."

"Have you ever spent time with someone and wish it didn't end?"

"Ahh yes..."

"Did you ever suddenly notice yourself staring at her and it was like... everything is in slow motion.." says Harold with interpretation.

"Yes, yes." Glay said while imagining someone. "Wait a minute... how do you know how I feel when i'm with Maxee?" He added.

"Maxee??" Harold asked with his voice raised.

"Yes! Maxee. My friend. It's like... When i'm around her, I don't notice time flying. And Cora keeps alerting me about my heartrate increasing. Maybe i'm sick. I get sick when i'm with her!"

"No, Glay! You're in love with her!" Harold shouts


"You love her. That's love."

"What do you know? Have you ever felt that?"

Harold just did a facepalm.

After Maxee's class, while she's on her way to her car, someone called her. She picked it up.

"Hey, Bonsai!" Maxee greets.

"Hey, Maxee. It's about the tablet you sent me. Where did you get it?"

"Oh, right. You got the examination result now?"

"Yeah, it's pretty weird but.. It's better if you just come to my lab and i'll tell you about it."

"Oh.. Okay. I'll be there tomorrow."

Maxee went out of town with Glay to go to Bonsai's laboratory. It's an average sized chemistry laboratory.

They entered and waited in the area. There are few more chemists busy with the chemical stuffs they do.

"Who are we meeting again?" Glay whispers.

"My friend, Bonsai. She's older than me."

Bonsai came and called them from behind.

"Maxee!!!" Bonsai shouts.

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