Chapter 13: Warning. Heartrate Increasing

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"Okay, guys! I got the camera!!" Lara shouts while raising her camera and walking towards them.

Maxee and Glay quickly lets go of each other and pretended it was nothing.

"Alright, guys! Stand together and smile!" Lara said. Holding the camera taking pictures of them. She noticed that the distance between them makes it look awkward. "Closer, guys!" She said.

Maxee and Glay felt awkward with each other. Both are looking away from each other. Then they moved closer.

"Alright, Glay why don't you put your arm around her. It'll look cute!"

"My goodness, mom. Just take the freaking pictures, please?" Max said sounding upset.

"Oh, okay.. okay." Lara said and clicked the camera.

The instand printing camera released the image. Only Glay was smiling and Max was caught speaking with her forehead curled and eyebrows raised.

"Oh, hey. Look at this pic--" Lara stopped when she saw Maxee's face in the picture.

"May i see?" Glay asked and came closer.

Maxee is busy looking at the window. Checking if Evan is already there picking her up.

Glay looks at the picture and laughed.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Hey, Maxee! Check out your face here! It's hilarious!"

Glay couldn't stop laughing 'til his tummy aches.

"HAHAHAHA! Ow- my belly hurts. Ow!" He said while holding his tummy and curling.

"Hey, are you alright?" Lara aked and checked him out.

"I don't know-- I think i'm gonna die... i can't--"

Maxee rolled her eyes, looked at him and said

"Relax, Glayden. It's normal when you laugh hard. Just beathe." Max calmly said while holding the window curtain.

Maxee's phone beeps. She looks at it and suddenly panics. Feeling so conscious of how she looks.

"Oh my- He's here. Evan's here." She said while fingercombing her hair.

"Oh.. okay. What about your cab, Glay?" Lara asked while looking at Glay

"Uh-" he looks at the phone. "According to this device it'll be here in a minute." He added.

"Come on now, Glay!" Max said and grabbed his hand.

Max opened the door and rushes to where Evan's car is parked.

Evan gets out of the car and meets them.

"Hey.." Evan greeted Max and looks at Glay standing next to her. Unfamiliar of who he is. "Who is he?"

"He's Glayden. My friend. He's got a date too." Max said and realized that she's indirectly claiming that they're going out on a date. "I mean- i'm not saying we're on a date too but-" Max speaks rapidly. Obviously nervous.

"It's okay." Max said. He then looks at Glay. "By the way, Hi Glayden! I'm Evan. Maxee's date." Evan said and offers er hand.

Maxee didn't expect Evan to introduce himself as her date. So she was surprised and blushing. She looks away and smiled.

"Hi."Glay and Evan shakes hand and smiles at each other.

"So.. We have to go now. The show's about to start in a few minutes." Evan said and looks at the watch.

"Okay. Bye, Max- And Evan!Take care of my cousin!!" Glay said loudly as Evan walks Max to the car.

"Cool car!" Maxee said while looking at his latest model white car from a number top brand.

A Thousand Light Year JourneyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz