CHAPTER 2: The Stranger

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"What if one day I forgot to drink the pill?"

A man sitting behind him whispered. He looked at him. He's wearing an officer's suit too. He saw half the tattoo on his wrist while the other half is covered under the sleeves of his suit. So Glay thinks he's probably from a different fleet. The stranger seem just a year older than him.

"Well, you might get sick.. Maybe." Answers Glay with uncertainty.

The stranger shook his head, still looking at the screen. Showing a face of disbelief.

"You know, I met someone from a little earlier generation. She was probably from Generation 8 and must have known someone from an earlier generation." The stranger stated. He then looked at Glay as if he's about to spill some secret. He's got Glay's attention, trying to think of what he's been meaning to say.

"I'm all ears." Glay replied.

"She said, the past world wasn't like this."

Glay felt intrigued. But he knew he shouldn't be feeling that so he tried to fight it

"Of course it's not. This is better." Glay confidently told him.

"Is it?" The stranher questioned him but Glay didn't know what else to say. The stranger looked like he knows something. "Do me a favor, officer. Why don't you try going to Earth. I can send you the coordinates." The stranger suggested. Trying t convince Glay to do something.

"Why would I do that? It might get me terminated." Glay looked at him as if he's crazy.

The stranger smirked and said, "Oh, boy. Termination is an understatement." The stranger gave him a weird look. It's like he's trying to say something he can't comprehend. Glay started to feel something off with the stranger.

Glay was about to say something but he stopped as soon as he heard a number of people walking towards them. He looked behind him and saw 4 officers wearing a blue suit. He knew right away that they're from the sector of Worldwide Security.

"That's him." Says the officer wearing a red badge. A Lieutenant. He was pointing at the stranger who talked to Glay.

The three other officers went to him. One of them pulled him to stand up, the other one cuffed him, and the other one was on their ACD (Advanced Communication Device) talking with someone.

"Agent Glay from Ophiucus. Please come in." Says the Health Officer in the doorway of the room.

He walked to the agent and once again looked back at the stranger. The stranger looked at him and smiled.

3 Days have passed, The SSOF Supreme Commander demanded Glay and Azi's presence in his office. They quickly followed the order and went to see him.

SSOF Supreme Commander Aries room's interior is just as simple and formal as any other buildings and room. You see a very few colors, all plain. There's a big 12 seater table set for meetings and a big hologram projector in the middle that displays the solar system Orbinovus is in.

"Gentlemen, please take a sit." Says Aries sitting in the chair in the middle.

Glay and Azi sat down and looked at the hologram as Commander Aries starts to explain their tasks.

Glay and Azi's eyes are in the projector. Showing Orbinovus' solar system. With 12 planets, where Orbinovus is the 3rd of 12 planets revolving around the sun. The next planet to Orbinovus is much bigger than jupiter and has rings.

"Agents, you are one of the best members of all 12 fleets according to our records. So I'm handling this task to you. We are currently studying the composition of one of the moons of planet Ciodes. We need its rock sample."

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